Adrian Friday
Scholar in residence August 2022
Adrian Friday is a Professor of Computing and Sustainability at Lancaster University, UK. His work focuses on how ubiquitous systems, data and empirical studies reveal the externality and impacts of everyday life and offer new and more sustainable ways of doing. He has led a series of collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects exploring energy use in the home, thermal comfort, sustainable food shopping, and last-mile logistics. His latest work focuses on environmental and social justice for the gig economy, and a significant new programme exploring time-series statistics, HCI & human geography and machine learning might provide energy insights toward net-zero.
Homepage of the Lancaster University research group on Socio-Digital Sustainability
Contact: a.friday@lancaster.ac.uk

Elina Eriksson
Associate Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Designs at KTH, Working group Smart Society, Co-PI: Smart Society - Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference, Former Co-supervisor: Digital Transformations for Optimizing the Post-Pandemic Sustainable Smart City, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 62 77elina@kth.se

Daniel Pargman
Associate professor in Media Technology at the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design at KTH EECS, Digital Futures Faculty