Fei Teng
SEC scholar June – July and August- September 2024
Fei Teng is currently the Director of Education in the Energy Futures Lab, a pan-university hub promoting inter-disciplinary research in energy, and a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Imperial College London. He would like to revolutionise decision-making solutions for net-zero power grids by blending optimization, control and AI. Teng’s research currently focuses on enabling efficient and reliable power system operation with high penetration of Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) and maintaining the cyber-resiliency of digitalised power grids.
The 3-month visit aims to leverage the strong expertise of KTH on power electronic-based power systems (Prof Xiongfei Wang), advanced control theory (Prof Karl H. Johansson) and cyber security of power systems (Prof Henrik Sandberg) to develop efficient and secure solutions for future software-defined power grids. The core concept is to break the boundary of steady-state economic optimization (which ignores the system dynamics or assumes given control laws) and control design (which is optimised offline for a wide range of operating conditions) to simultaneously make online decisions on the system operating point and the control law of power electronic devices.
To enable such a revolution in the operational decision-making of the power system for NetZero, new measures to model power electronics, analyse system stability, solve complex optimization, design efficient control laws, and guarantee secure information sharing need to be developed. By the end of the visit, we expect to deliver a roadmap for the future of software-defined power grids to inform the development of power electronics, optimization, control, communication, and cybersecurity. The key deliverable will be a joint position paper in one of the top journals of power systems/power electronics.
Contact: f.teng@imperial.ac.uk

Xiongfei Wang
Full Professor in Power Electronics Systems at the Division of Electric Power and Energy Systems, KTH, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty