Transforming Higher Education Practice Through Generative-AI
To understand how generative AI tools can be used by staff and students in the context of higher education. The project addresses three areas:
- Evaluate how such tools can be used by students to improve their productivity and learning outcomes
- Characterise how the technologies can be used by academic staff to transform education and assessment practices
- Provide guidance to university leadership regarding the regulation of use of such tools as well as capacity building initiatives that should be taken
The sophistication of the latest generation of AI tools far exceeds that of previous generations, and from an educational assessment perspective the output is both sophisticated, and hard to detect. The realistic nature of the output is a product of the complexity of the systems and the scope of the data upon which they have been trained. Like many tools before them generative AI will transform our approach to education.
Crossdisciplinary collaboration
The project combines Human Computing Interaction and Education research competence from KTH and SU to address societal and technological aspects of the integration of generative AI into educational practices. By taking a multi-disciplinary approach the team is able to explore in depth both technological and educational dimensions of the use of AI, helping to craft the educational experience of the future.

Arnold Pears
Professor, Unit of Learning in STEM at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, PI of research project Transforming HIgher Education Practice Through Generative-AI, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 70 087 70 40pears@kth.se

Teresa Cerratto Pargman
Professor, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University (SU), Faculty of Social Sciences at Stockholm University, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Societal Outreach, Working group Educational Transformation, Co-supervisor: Fairness and Bias of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Education: Challenges and Future Directions, Co-PI: Transforming HIgher Education Practice Through Generative-AI, Former Co-PI: Responsible Digital Assessment Futures in Higher Education (REFINE), Former Main supervisor: Privacy of online proctoring systems in higher education settings, Digital Futures Faculty,
+ 46 (0)73 460 57 47tessy@dsv.su.se

Joakim Lilliesköld
Associate Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Educational Transformation, Co-PI: LATEL, Co-PI: Transforming HIgher Education Practice Through Generative-AI, Former Co-PI: Responsible Digital Assessment Futures in Higher Education (REFINE), Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 68 69joakiml@kth.se