Smart Society: Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference
Project period
July 2023 – June 2024
This project develops two key areas of smart societies related to the role of digital technologies in academic research and practices and society at large. These two areas concern ethics, norms, and values around digitalization in society and digitalization research that supports deep transition, including how research conferences can be part of such transitions. These aspects form the two work packages in the project: (1) Public culture, public space and digitalization in society, and (2) Organization and sustainability of the ICT4S 2024 conference. In this work, the project combines knowledge from architecture, philosophy, media technology, and environmental strategies and future studies.
- Public culture, public space and digitalisation in society
For digitalization to be “good” in the broader, societal sense (i.e. where good is shorthand for increased well-being, quality of life, justice, fairness, democracy, and sustainability), the development and implementation of the technology need to be informed by ethical analysis and sensitive to stakeholder values. In short, it must be developed to be compatible with an open, democratic society. Digitalization processes, therefore, need to engage with norms, values, habits, perceptions, and practices in society. Engaging with public culture is a way both to find acceptance and to increase uptake. We will begin by conducting an in-depth investigation of how digitalization is both forming its own public space and affecting existing public spaces as sites of negotiation of public culture. Approaching these issues through the lens of “public culture” enables the researchers to acknowledge that while these perceptions are entangled, inter-subjective and negotiated in character, they can and should inform and complement the more abstract analysis of societal ethics and values. - Organization and sustainability of the ICT4S 2024 conference
Currently, there are few arenas for interdisciplinary research meetings on digitalization for sustainability (D4S or Information and Communications Technology for sustainability, ICT4S). Even if there is a growing interest among digitalization researchers, research tends to focus on certain solutions or specific areas, whereas a broader take on how digitalization can support society in a sustainable direction is rare. The ICT4S conferences are an attempt to create such an arena. This part of the project aims to support the ICT4S 2024 conference in Stockholm and to make the conference relevant for a larger part of Digital Futures and a larger digitalization for a sustainable society. Moreover, the aim is to explore how research conferences, in general, can be more sustainable from mainly an environmental perspective.
Crossdisciplinary collaboration
The project is a collaboration between the School of Architecture, Philosophy and History, Strategic Sustainability Studies and Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID) at KTH.

Daniel Koch
Researcher at the ABE School at KTH, PI: Smart Society - Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference, Former Co-PI: Towards a Smart Society – the role of Digital Futures
+46 8 790 60 25daniel.koch@arch.kth.se

Elina Eriksson
Associate Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Designs at KTH, Working group Smart Society, Co-PI: Smart Society - Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference, Former Co-supervisor: Digital Transformations for Optimizing the Post-Pandemic Sustainable Smart City, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 62 77elina@kth.se

Barbro Fröding
Senior researcher, The Division of Philosophy at KTH, Co-PI of project Smart Society: Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference
+46 (0)8 790 9467barbro.froding@abe.kth.se

Mattias Höjer
Professor, Strategic Sustainability Studies at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Smart Society, Co-PI: Smart Society - Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference, Former PI: Towards a Smart Society – the role of Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 64 51mattias.hojer@abe.kth.se