Completed Collaborative projects
The 4-year Collaborative projects target cutting-edge research in the area of Digital Transformation within the frame of the Digital Futures Research matrix and are based on an interdisciplinary approach. The main key performance indicator of this instrument is scientific excellence.
The consortium comprises three to five key performance indicators from different KTH Schools, Stockholm University and/or RISE, with a complementary competence. The active involvement of industrial and societal partners is important but not a necessary requirement.
Click on the headlines below (or navigate the menu to the left) to learn more.
Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems
Developing social robots that can understand human communication and behavior and adapt their actions according to the situation...
Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems
Teaching and controlling complex dynamic systems by using a restricted selection of data...
Digitizing Brain Data for Health and Disease
Patient data as a base for reliable diagnoses, prognoses and more effective treatment of brain diseases...
Explainable and Ethical Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Medical Data Sources
Adverse drug event (ADE) detection and heart failure treatment...
Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City
Wellbeing in smart cities is the defined research area, focusing on interactions of human-machine-computers…
Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints
Developing and testing methods for more open data. In practice, it will consist of risk analysis for privacy protection...
Robotic Matter
Objects of programmable, robotic matter, consisting of thousands or millions micro-scale components...