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Jonas test

Abbas Dashtimanesh

Assistant Professor of Naval Architecture Center for Naval Architecture Department of Engineering Mechanics, SCI, KTH, Co-PI of project SHIFT-DT: Sustainable, Holistic, Integrated Framework for Ship Design and Production Transformation through Digital Twins

+46 73 708 99 45

Adam Darwich

Assistant Professor at KTH , Co-PI: AI-Based Detection of Colorectal Cancer in Primary care, Co-PI: Data-driven Improvement of Work-Flows at the Karolinska University Hospital, Digital Futures Faculty

Adam Wickberg

Researcher at the departement of History of Science, Technology and Environment at the ABE School, Digital Futures Faculty

Ahmed Hemani

Professor, Division of Electronics and Embedded Systems at KTH , PI: New Chip Architectures for Industrial Vision, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 44 69
Picture of Airi Lampinen

Airi Lampinen

Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University, Co-supervisor: Technology Mediated Collective Caring through Menstrual and Reproductive Journeys, Co-PI: Digital Futures Drone Arena, Former Co-PI: Layering Trust in Intimate Digital Health Technologies, Former Main supervisor: Relational Aspects of Care in Intimate Digital Health Technologies, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 08 16 16 19
Picture of Alberto Sangiovanni-Vicentelli

Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli

Professor, University of California, Berkeley

Alejandra Gómez Ortega

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc Project: Design and Policy Considerations for (Inter)Personal Intimate Data

Alexander Grötsch

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) at KTH
Picture of Alexandre Proutiere

Alexandre Proutiere

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH, Working group Learn, Co-PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems - Impact and Demonstrators, Former Co-PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 63 51

Ali Reza Majlesi

Former Associate Professor at SU, Co-PI: Empowering Cultural Integration and Language Learning through Conversational AI, Former Co-supervisor: Designing Gamified Robot-Enhanced Interventions for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders at Digital Futures, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Alice Haynes

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow: Felt Connections: On the Design of Meaningful Body-Centered Interactions for Children with Shape-Changing Textile Interfaces
Alireza Farshin

Alireza Farshin

Researcher at RISE, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 251 39 19

Amin Jalali

Associate professor at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+ 46 8 674 77 25

Amir Hossein Payberah

Associate Professor, Division of Software and Computer Science at KTH, Co-PI: DeepAqua, Former Co-supervisor: Deep Wetlands, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 72 554 40 11

Anders Berntson

Innovation Strategist and Head of Strategic Initiatives at RISE, Member of the Governing Board at Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty

Anders Broberg

Senior Advisor Smart City for the City of Stockholm, S:t Erik Kommunikation AB

Anders Hedman

Associate Professor, Division of Media Technology, and Interaction Design (MID), School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Anders Holst

Anders Holst

Senior Research Scientist, Swedish Institute of Computer Science at RISE, Adjunct professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Working group Learn, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 43 13
Picture of Anders Lindgren

Anders Lindgren

Senior Researcher at RISE, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 43 57
Picture of Anders Wästfeldt

Anders Wästfeldt

Professor at Stockholm University, Former Co-supervisor: Unraveling the potential of AI and Earth Observation for accurate population predictions in urban regions (POPAI), Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 48 56

Andre Holzapfel

Associate Professor at the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Designs, KTH, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of André Pereira

André Tiago Abelho Pereira

Researcher at KTH, Co-PI: Using Neuroimaging Data for Exploring Conversational Engagement in Human-Robot Interaction, Co-PI: The Neuroscience of Engagement: A Multimodal AI Approach to Understanding and Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction, Digital Futures Faculty

Andrea Nascetti

Associate Professor, Geoinformatics at KTH, Co-PI of research project EO-AI4GlobalChange, Digital Futures Faculty

Andreas Archenti

Professor in Industrial Dependability focusing on Precision Engineering and Metrology at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 83 53

Andreas Jemstedt

Senior Lecturer, Centre for the Advancement of University Teaching and the Department of Education at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Andrew Karvonen

Andrew Karvonen

Professor, Urban Design and Planning Lund University, Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Former Main supervisor: Digital Transformations for Optimizing the Post-Pandemic Sustainable Smart City, Former Researcher, KTH, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Andrew Martin

Professor at KTH ITM , Member of the Industrial Committee, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 74 73

Andrii Matviienko

Assistant Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Designs, KTH, PI of project MicroVRide: Virtual Reality Micromobility Simulator, Co-PI of project: XR Horizons - Unravelling Multi-User Interaction, Multisensory Experiences, and Ethical Considerations in the Realm of Spatial Computing, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 765 2032

Angela Fontan

Assistant Professor at the Division of Decision and Control Systems, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City eXtended (HiSSx), Co-PI: Analysis and Synergy of Hyper-networked Autonomy at the Societal Scale, Former Postdoctoral researcher at the Division of Decision and Control Systems, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Former Postdoc of research project Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Ann Legeby

Ann Legeby

Professor Architecture at KTH, Former Working group Smart Society, Digital Futures Faculty

Anna Delin

Professor, Materials and Nanophysics at KTH, Former Member of the Governing Board, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 90 43

Anna Furberg

Digital Futures Industrial Postdoc project: Environmental impacts of digitalization based on life-cycle assessment

Anna Gautier

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Designing Rules for Multi-Robot Systems
Picture of Anna Jerbrant

Anna Jerbrant

Associate Professor, Unit of Management & Technology at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 67 85

Anna Kiefer

Executive Director of Digital Futures, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Member of the Executive Committee at Digital Futures

+46 8 790 74 80
Picture of Anna Näslund Dahlgren

Anna Näslund Dahlgren

Professor at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics at SU, Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 20 50
Picture of Anna Pernestål

Anna Pernestål

Former Researcher, Integrated Transport Research Lab (ITRL) at KTH, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Anna Ståhl

Anna Ståhl

Senior researcher, PhD, Connected Intelligence, Digital Systems at RISE, PI of project Mid-sized Seated Haptic Interactions for Autonomous Vehicles, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 43 51

Anne-Kathrin Peters

Associate Professor in Technology Education at the ITM School, Co-PI of research project Digitalisation and Educational Transformation: Empowering Students and Teachers with Cognitive Disabilities, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Annika Borgenstam

Annika Borgenstam

Professor and Head of Department at Unit of Structures at KTH, Former Working group Digitalized Industry, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 83 96

Annika Stensson Trigell

Vice President for Research, Professor, Division of Vehicle Dynamics at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 76 57

Antonio Maffei

Associate professor at KTH ITM School departement of Production Engineering, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 78 71

Anupriya Tuli

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Technology Mediated Collective Caring through Menstrual and Reproductive Journeys

Aristides Gionis

Professor, Division of Theoretical Computer Science at KTH, Former Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Working group Learn, Main Supervisor: Dragons - Data-Driven Algorithms and Governance for Networked Societies, Digital Futures Faculty
Photo of Armita Golkar

Armita Golkar

Associate Professor, Psychology Department at Stockholm University, Co-PI of research project Characterization of the mechanical tissue properties of the brain in the developing brain with magnetic resonance elastography, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 38 15
Photo of Arne Elofsson

Arne Elofsson

Professor in Bioinformatics at Stockholm University, Science for Life Laboratory, Co-Supervisor for Postdoc project Deep Learning Approaches for Long-term Future Forecasting, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 10 19
Picture of Arnold Pears

Arnold Pears

Professor, Unit of Learning in STEM at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, PI of research project Transforming HIgher Education Practice Through Generative-AI, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 087 70 40

Artur Podobas

Artur Podobas, Associate Professor, Division of SCS, School of EECS, KTH
Photo of Arvind Kumar

Arvind Kumar

Associate Professor, Division of Computational Science and Technology at KTH, Working group Rich and Healthy Life, Co-PI of research project Digitizing Brain Data for Health and Disease, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 24
Picture of Arzu Özgur

Arzu Güneysu Özgür

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Designing Gamified Robot-Enhanced Interventions for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Asreen Rostami

Senior Researcher at RISE, Co-PI of project XR Horizons: Unravelling Multi-User Interaction, Multisensory Experiences, and Ethical Considerations in the Realm of Spatial Computing, Co-PI of project MicroVRide: Virtual Reality Micromobility Simulator, Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Gender inclusive cybersecurity, Digital Futures Faculty

Atsuto Maki

Professor of Computer Science, EECS/KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

Axel Olin

Researcher at the Division of Micro and Nanotechnology at EECS, KTH, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Bahar Irfan

Bahar Irfan

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Personalized Companion Robot for Open-Domain Dialogue in Long-Term Elderly Care

Barbro Fröding

Senior researcher, The Division of Philosophy at KTH, Co-PI of project Smart Society: Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference

+46 (0)8 790 9467
Picture of Barry Brown

Barry Brown

Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Co-PI: Autonomous drones and AI-assisted computer vision for near real-time mapping and management of wild stock, Former Main supervisor: Gender inclusive cybersecurity, Digital Futures Faculty

+48 8 16 16 02

Beáta Megyesi

Professor of computational linguistics at the Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University, PI of the research project Decryption of Secret Historical Manuscripts (DECRYPT) and Automatic annotation and analysis of Swedish and English (SWEGRAM) projects, Digital Futures Faculty

Beatrice Vincenzi

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Designing AI Technology for Interdependence with Sighted Guiding Companions
Picture of Bengt Ahlgren

Bengt Ahlgren

Senior Researcher at RISE, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director for Testbeds and Data, Co-PI: Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 43 24
Picture of Benoit Baudry

Benoit Baudry

Professor in Software Technology at KTH EECS, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 41 10
Digital Futures illustration 2021

Bertil González Guve

Associate professor, CBH School at KTH , PI: Data-driven Improvement of Work-Flows at the Karolinska University Hospital, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 97 35
Picture of Bertram Steininger

Bertram Steininger

Associate professor at KTH ABE, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 73 33
Picture of Björn Berggren

Björn Berggren

Head of School, School of Architecture and the Built Environment at KTH, Professor in Business Administration, Member of the Governing Board at Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Björn Möller

Björn Möller

Researcher, School of industrial engineering and management at KTH, Co-PI of research project Democratising Digital DNA Diagnostics, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 80 72

Björn Nordlund

Adjunct Senior Lecturer | Docent, Karolinska Institutet, Project: A3S: AI-based Asthma App using Spirometer
Picture of Bo Hagerman

Bo Hagerman

PhD Advanced Technology Director Asia Pacific, Principal Researcher Radio Systems & Technology, Ericsson Research, Co-PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures

+46 70 677 47 96
Picture of Bo Wahlberg

Bo Wahlberg

Professor of Chair in Automatic Control at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 72 42

Bobby Lee Townsend Sturm JR

Associate Professor at the Division of Speech, Music and Hearing at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 75 74

Boualem Djehiche

Professor SCI School, KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 78 75
Picture of Brighten Godfrey

Brighten Godfrey

Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Britt Östlund

Professor and Head of Division, Division of Technology in Health Care at KTH, Former Member of the Executive Committee, Former Associate Director Societal Engagement, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Carla Ferreira

Carla Ferreira

Former Researcher, Stockholm University, Former Researcher in project Optimization of Agricultural Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Large-Scale Simulations at Digital Futures, Former Co-Pi of project DeepFlood: Enhancing large scale Flood Detection and Mapping using PolSAR, Metaheuristic, and Deep Learning Algorithms, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Carlo Fischione

Carlo Fischione

Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Co-PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 632 25 61

Caroline Yan Zheng

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Design guidelines for recognisable digital social touch from soft robotic haptic technologies
Picture of Cecilia Katzeff

Cecilia Katzeff

Associate Professor, Strategic Sustainability Studies at KTH, Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City eXtended (HiSSx), Former Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Working group Trust, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg

Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg

Professor, LL.D., Department of Law at Stockholm University, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Co-PI: DataLEASH in Action, Former: Co-PI of research project Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints (DataLEASH), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 162 893
Picture of Chantal Mutimukwe

Chantal Mutimukwe

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow

+46 73 771 31 51

Charlotte Karlsson

Senior Vice President, ICT, Head of Division at RISE, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 516 62 28

Chelsea Rose Sidrane

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Risk Aware Planning and Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Chen Chen

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Picture of Chen-Ching Liu

Chen-Ching Liu

American Electric Power Professor, Virginia Tech

Chengxi Li

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow: Fast Distributed Learning based on Adaptive Gradient Coding with Convergence Guarantees

Chiara Rossitto

Associate Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV), Stockholm University, Working group Rich and Healthy Life, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 17 29
Picture of Christer Johansson

Christer Johansson

Former Professor, Department of Environmental Science at Stockholm University, Former PI of project iHorse - improving air quality and Health risk forecasts by data-driven modelling of traffic and atmospheric environment, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Christian Smith

Christian Smith

Associate Professor, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning at KTH, Co-PI: Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS), Co-PI: Adaptive Intelligent Homes (AIH), Digital Futures Faculty

Christian Thomann

Associate Professor, INDEK at KTH, PI: Improving resilience: Using insurance data to design better loss prevention, Digital Futures Faculty

Christophe Duwig

Professor at KTH CBH, Vice-Director of the KTH Energy Platform, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 737 65 22 62
Picture of Christopher Peters

Christopher Peters

Associate Professor at EECS at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

Cicek Cavdar

Associate Professor, EECS KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

Claudia Enciso

Programme Officer, Member of the Executive Committee at Digital Futures

+46 8 790 84 74
Photo of Claudia Núñez-Pacheco

Claudia Núñez Pacheco

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Foreignness as a conceptual framework for interaction design

Corinna Coupette

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow: Dragons - Data-Driven Algorithms and Governance for Networked Societies

Picture of Cormac McGrath

Cormac McGrath

Docent, Associate Professor at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 39 74
Picture of Cristian Rojas

Cristian Rojas

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH, Co-PI of research project Explainable and Ethical Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Medical Data Sources, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 74 27
Picture of Cyrille Artho

Cyrille Artho

Associate Professor, Divison of Theoretical Computer Science at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 61

Danica Kragic Jensfelt

Professor and Head of Division, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning at KTH, Co-PI of research project Robotic Matter, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 67 29

Daniel Gillblad

Former Lab Manager, RISE, Former Associate Director, Data and Demonstrators, Digital Futures, Former Co-PI of research project Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints (DataLEASH), Digital Futures, Former member of Digital Futures Executive Committee

Daniel Koch

Researcher at the ABE School at KTH, PI: Smart Society - Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference, Former Co-PI: Towards a Smart Society – the role of Digital Futures

+46 8 790 60 25
Picture of Daniel Pargman

Daniel Pargman

Associate professor in Media Technology at the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design at KTH EECS, Digital Futures Faculty

Daniel Semere

Associate professor at KTH School of ITM, department of Production Engineering, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 74 83
Picture of Daniel Söderberg

Daniel Söderberg

Professor Fibre and Polymer Technology at KTH, Working group Digitalized Industry, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 67 52
Picture of Danupon Na Nongkai

Danupon Na Nongkai

Associate Professor, Division of Theoretical Computer Science at KTH, Former Working group Cooperate (previous), Former Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of David Broman

David Broman

Professor, Division of Software and Computer Systems at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Faculty, PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems - Impact and Demonstrators, Former PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 74

David Eskilsson

CEO, Edeva

+46 70 774 86 43

David Nilsson

CEO Framverket Utveckling AB, Docent at KTH, project manager for Barriers and enabling factors for digitalisation in the Swedish water sector, Digital Futures Affiliated Scholar, Former: Deputy Head, School of Architecture and the Built Environment KTH, Researcher, Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, Former PI: Barriers and enabling factors for digitalization in the Swedish water sector, Former Digital Futures Faculty

+46708 504460
Picture of Deepika Yadav

Deepika Yadav

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Relational Aspects of Care in Intimate Digital Health Technologies
Picture of Dejan Manojlo Kostic

Dejan Manojlo Kostic

Professor at KTH, Co-supervisor: Comprehensive Network Insight for Resilient Infrastructures, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 65
Picture of Dejiu Chen

Dejiu Chen

Associate Professor at ITM-School at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 64 28
Photo of Deyou Zhang

Deyou Zhang

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Intelligent wireless communications and high-accuracy positioning systems
Picture of Dilian Grove

Dilian Gurov

Associate Professor in Computer Science at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 81 98
Picture of Dimos Dimarogonas

Dimos Dimarogonas

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH, Working group Cooperate, PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 73 26

Donald McMillan

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Co-PI of research project Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS), Co-PI: Adaptive Intelligent Homes (AIH), Former Co-Supervisor: On The Feminist Design of Social Robots and Designing Robots For Young People, With Young People, Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 16 81

Douglas Wikström

Associate Professor, Division of Theoretical Computer Science at KTH, Co-PI of research project Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints (DataLEASH), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 81 38
Picture of Edgar Asiimwe

Edgar Napoleon Asiimwe

Programme Manager for Research at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

08-120 762 32
Picture of Elena Dubrova

Elena Dubrova

Professor, Division of Electronics and Embedded systems at KTH, Working group Trust, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 41 14
Picture of Lanie Gutierrez Farewik

Elena Gutierrez Farewik

Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Rich and Healthy Life, PI of project Deep Camera-Based Movement Analysis for Remote Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, PI of project Real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 77 19

Elias Jarlebring

Professor at KTH, EECS School, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 66 94
Picture of Elina Eriksson

Elina Eriksson

Associate Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Designs at KTH, Working group Smart Society, Co-PI: Smart Society - Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference, Former Co-supervisor: Digital Transformations for Optimizing the Post-Pandemic Sustainable Smart City, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 77
Photo of Elisabeth Wåghall Nivre

Elisabeth Wåghall Nivre

Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Deputy Vice President at Stockholm University, Member of the Governing Board at Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty

Ellen Bergseth

Associate Professor, Department of Machine Design at KTH ITM, Working group Digitalized Industry, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 73 83
Picture of Emil Björnsson

Emil Björnson

Professor of Wireless Communication at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Former Member of the Executive Committee, Former Associate Director for Seminars & Workshops, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 23

Emrah Karakaya

Associate professor at KTH ITM School, Unit of Sustainability, Industrial Dynamic & Entrepreneurship, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 6000

Emre Süren

Researcher at Cybercampus Sverige, Head of Royal Hacking Lab, Lecturer at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 087 70 53
Picture of Erica Zeglio

Erica Zeglio

Assistant Professor and WISE Fellow, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK), Stockholm University, Co-PI: Engineering biodegradable components for packaging digitalisation, Co-PI: BioAct: self-powered biodegradable pressure sensor for wireless post-surgical patient management, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 12 61

Erik Flores-García

Assistant professor in data-driven production logistics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Faculty

Erik Fransén

Professor, Division of Computational Science and Technology at KTH, Co-PI of research project Digitizing Brain Data for Health and Disease, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Erik Jenelius

Erik Jenelius

Associate Professor of Public Transport Systems and Docent in Transport Science at KTH, Head of the Division of Transport Planning at Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 80 32
Picture of Erik Lindahl

Erik Lindahl

Professor Biophysics at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

Erik Perjons

Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University

+46 8 164947
Picture of Eva-Lotta Sallnäs Pysander

Eva-Lotta Sallnäs Pysander

Professor Media Technology and Interaction Design at KTH, Working group Rich and Healthy Life, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 66 26
Photo of Fabian Wingfors

Fabian Wingfors

Administrative Officer, Member of the Executive Committee at Digital Futures

+46 72 857 07 09
Picture of Faryia Sharmeen

Fariya Sharmeen

Associate Professor at KTH ABE, Digital Futures Faculty

Farzin Golzar

Assistant Professor at KTH ITM, the Heat and Power Technology Division. , Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Fatemeh Rahimian

Fatemeh Rahimian

Senior Researcher at RISE, Former Co-PI: SOS - Empowering User Control over Sensitive IoT Data, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 43 75
Picture of Fernando Jaramillo

Fernando Jaramillo

Assistant Professor at Stockholm University, Co-PI: DeepFlood - Enhancing large scale Flood Detection and Mapping using PolSAR, Metaheuristic, and Deep Learning Algorithms, Former Main supervisor: Deep Wetlands, Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 47 71

Florian Pokorny

Associate Professor, KTH EECS, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 67 92
Picture of Fransesco Fuso Nerini

Francesco Fuso-Nerini

Associate Professor at KTH ITM, Director of KTH Climate Action Centre, Working group Smart Society, PI: Embedding AI in an innovative geospatial tool to support policy for clean cooking adoption in low- and middle-income countries, PI: Preserving a Rich Legacy of Swedish Engineering Design using Artificial Intelligence (SweDesAI), PI: Beyond 2030: Achieving the SDGs within the Planetary Boundaries, an AI-based approach, Co-PI: An AI-based framework for harmonizing climate policies and projects with the SDGs, Former Co-PI: Towards a Smart Society – the role of Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Francisco J. Pena

Francisco J. Peña

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Deep Wetlands
Picture of Fredrik Asplund

Fredrik Asplund

Assistant Professor at KTH ITM, Co-PI: Guaranteeing Pro-Active and Reactive Safety in intersections through resource management at the Edge (GPARSE), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 74 05

Fredrik Enoksson

Full time researcher Digital Learning at the School of ITM , Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 95 88
Picture of Fredrik Johanson

Fredrik Johansson

Professor at KTH, Co-PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures

+46 8-790 79 91
Pricture of Fredrik Lundell

Fredrik Lundell

Professor, Engineering Mechanics at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 75

Gabor Fodor

Docent and Adjunct Professor at Intelligent Systems, EECS, KTH, Co-PI: PERCy

+46 76 842 82 29
Picture of Gabriel Skantze

Gabriel Skantze

Professor in Speech Communication and Technology at KTH, Supervisor for Postdoc project Personalized Companion Robot for Open-Domain Dialogue in Long-Term Elderly Care, PI of research project Empowering Cultural Integration and Language Learning through Conversational AI, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 78 74
Picture of Gia Destouni

Georgia Destouni

Professor of Hydrology and Water Resources, Department of Physical Geography at Stockholm University, Affiliated Professor of Engineering Hydrology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Researcher in project Optimization of Agricultural Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Large-Scale Simulations at Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8-16 47 85

Georgios Andrikopoulos

Assistant Professor at KTH ITM , Co-PI: Real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 63 31

Giuseppe Belgioioso

Assistant Professor at KTH, Division of Decision and Control Systems, Digital Futures Faculty

Göran Finnveden

Professor of Environmental Strategic Analysis at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering at KTH, Director of the Mistra Sustainable Consumption research program, Supervisor: Environmental impacts of digitalization based on life-cycle assessment

+46 8 790 73 18

Göran Stemme

Professor, Head of the Macro and Nanosystem division at KTH EECS School, Former Co-PI: Seed funding for large grant proposals, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 77 87
Picture of Guillermo Marcillo

Guillermo Marcillo

Agronomy Data Scientist University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Gunnar Karlsson

Professor and Head of Division, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 57
Picture of Gunnar Malm

Gunnar Malm

Professor at KTH EECS, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 43 32

Gustav Eje Henter

Docent, Dr., Assistant Professor (Biträdande lektor), KTH Royal Institute of Technology Head of Research, Motorica AB Core team member, Wallenberg Research Arena (WARA) for Media and Language Officer and secretary, International Speech Communication Association Special Interest Group on speech synthesis (ISCA SynSIG) Co-organiser, GENEA Workshops and Challenges on generation and evaluation of non-verbal behaviour for embodied agents, Digital Futures Faculty
Digital Futures illustration 2021

Gustav Martinsson

Associate Professor, Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

György Dán

Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair working group Cooperate, PI of research project Susan’s Ride on Campus2030, PI of research project Causal reasoning for real-time attack identification in cyber-physical systems, Co-PI of demo project CAVeaT Connected Automated Vehicles trialling and Trustworthiness, Co-PI of research project Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 53
Picture of Gyözö Gidofalvi

Gyözö Gidofalvi

Associate Professor at KTH, PI: ChEss Machines For ElectriFiEd Construction SiTes (EFFECT), Co-PI: GEO-based Multi-layer Environmental Modelling of Urban TraffIC (GEOMETRIC), Co-PI: Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility, Co-PI: SENZ-Lab: Stockholm EnviroNmental Zone digital Laboratory, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 70 21
Picture of H. Vincent Poor

H. Vincent Poor

Professor, Michael Henry Strater University

Haibo Li

Professor of Media Technology, Department of Media Technology and Interaction Design, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 87907587
Picture of Håkan Fischer

Håkan Fischer

Professor, Department of Psychology at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 23 57

Håkan Hjalmarsson

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH, Co-PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems - Impact and Demonstrators, Former Co-PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 64
Picture of Haluk Akay 1x1

Haluk Akay

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Data-Driven Design for Climate Action

Hanying Zhao

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Theory and Methods for Privacy-Preserving Localization in Wireless Networks
Photo of Hao Hu

Hao Hu

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Deep Learning Approaches for Long-term Future Forecasting

Hedvig Kjellström

Professor, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning at KTH, Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City eXtended (HiSSx), Former PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 69 06

Helena Lundberg

Assistant Professor and docent in organic chemistry at the CBH School at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 7908125
Picture of Henricus Verhagen

Henricus Verhagen

Senior lecturer at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 16 94

Henrik Abrahamsson

Senior Researcher at RISE, Co-Pi: AI-based Positioning and Personalization Platform for Human Body Models (HBMs), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 774 15 95
Picture of Henrik Artman

Henrik Artman

Professor and head of department at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 20
Picture of Henrik Boström

Henrik Boström

Professor, Division of Software and computer Systems at KTH, Working group Learn, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 43 06
Picture of Henrik Sandberg

Henrik Sandberg

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH EECS, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Trust, PI of research project Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility (RoSE), Co-PI of research project Causal Reasoning for Real-Time Attack Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems, Co-PI: Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Co-PI: DECORUM: Optimized predictive maintenance for wastewater pump stations, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 72 94
Picture of Hercules Dalianis

Hercules Dalianis

Professor Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University, Co-PI: DataLEASH in Action, Former Co-PI: Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints (DataLEASH), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 568 13 59

Hossein Azizpour

Associate Professor, Robotics, Perception and Learning at KTH, PI: Faster-than-real-time and high-resolution simulation of fluid flow in engineering applications: indoor climate as a pilot, Co-PI: EO-AI4GlobalChange, Former Main supervisor: Deep Learning Approaches for Long-term Future Forecasting, Digital Futures Faculty

Hui Chen

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow: Generalizing hardware acceleration for nonlinear functions

Ilka Jahn

Assistant professor at EECS, KTH, Co-PI: Resilience and cost benefits of open-source software in the power sector – RECOPS, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 765 24 01
Picture of Ingo Sander

Ingo Sander

Professor in Electronic Systems Design at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 41 43

Ioana-Oriana Bercea

Assistant Professor, Division of Theoretical Computer Science (EECS), KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

Ioanna Miliou

Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Co-PI: AI-based Asthma App using Spirometer, Co-PI: OrganoFeed: Feedback-enhanced organoid maturation towards higher reproducibility for in-vitro drug testing, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 161608
Picture of Iolanda Leite

Iolanda Leite

Associate Professor, Department of Robotics, Perception and Learning at KTH, Working group Learn, PI: Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS), PI: Adaptive Intelligent Homes (AIH), Former Main supervisor: On The Feminist Design of Social Robots and Designing Robots For Young People, With Young People, Former Main supervisor: Designing Gamified Robot-Enhanced Interventions for Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Digital Futures Faculty

Isaac Skog

Associate Professor in Communication Systems, Docent in Signal Processing at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 03

Ivan Stenius

Associate Professor in Vessel Engineering & Solid Mechanics at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 288 82 63

Ivy Peng

Associate Professor of Computer Science at EECS KTH, Docent in Parallel Computing, High-performance Computing, EECS School at KTH, Working group Cooperate, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Jaakko Hollmén

Jaakko Hollmén

Senior lecturer, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Working group Learn, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 16 91

Jagruti Ramsing Thakur

Assistant Professor, Department of Energy Technology, KTH, Co-PI: Resilience and cost benefits of open-source software in the power sector – RECOPS, Digital Futures Faculty

Digital Futures illustration 2021

Jakob Tholander

Associate Professor at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 24 73
Picture of Jalal Nouri

Jalal Nouri

Professor, Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 674 78 11

James Gross

Professor, Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Partner Programme, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Member of Working group Cooperate, Co-PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 88 19
Picture of Jan Gulliksen

Jan Gulliksen

Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design, Vice President for Digitalization at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Vice Chair Working group Educational Transformation, PI of research project Digitalisation and Educational Transformation: Empowering Students and Teachers with Cognitive Disabilities, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 037 39 30
Picture of Jan Kronqvist

Jan Kronqvist

Assistant Professor at KTH, Co-supervisor: SMART – Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Former Co-PI: Autonomous coordination and control of smart converters for sustainable power systems, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Jana Tumová

Jana Tumová

Associate Professor, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning at KTH, PI of project Scavenger: Real-time logic-based control for an autonomous scavenger robot, Digital Futures Faculty

Jayanth Raghothama

Associate professor at KTH, CBH School, PI: AI-Based Detection of Colorectal Cancer in Primary care, Co-PI: Data-driven Improvement of Work-Flows at the Karolinska University Hospital, Digital Futures Faculty
Photo of Jeanette Hällgren Kotaleski

Jeanette Hällgren Kotaleski

Professor, Division of Computational Science and Technology at KTH, PI of research project Digitizing Brain Data for Health and Disease, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 69 03
Jelena Zdravkovic

Jelena Zdravkovic

Professor and Head of Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director for Diversity & Inclusion, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 49 94

Jennifer K. Ryan

Professor, Division Head for Numerical Analysis, Optimization and Systems Theory at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 6296
Picture of Jenny Jerrelind

Jenny Jerrelind

Associate Professor at the ITM School, at KTH, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 76 05
Picture of Jens Edlund

Jens Edlund

Associate Professor, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 78 74

Jens Fridh

Associate Professor ITM School KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 74 82
Picture of Jens Lagergren

Jens Lagergren

Professor, Division of Computational Science and Technology at KTH, Former PI: Seed funding for large grant proposals, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 64 38
Picture of Jiaojiao Zhang

Jiaojiao Zhang

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Decentralized Learning: Second-order, Online and Robust Algorithms with Convergence Guarantees

Joakim Gustafson

Professor and Head of Division, Division of Speech, Music and Hearing at KTH, Co-PI of research project Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS), Co-PI: Adaptive Intelligent Homes (AIH), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 89 65
Picture of Joakim Jaldén

Joakim Jaldén

Professor, Division of Information Science and Engineering at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 77 88

Joakim Lilliesköld

Associate Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Educational Transformation, Co-PI: LATEL, Co-PI: Transforming HIgher Education Practice Through Generative-AI, Former Co-PI: Responsible Digital Assessment Futures in Higher Education (REFINE), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 69

Johan Blaus

Senior Advisor Business Liasions, Industrial and Societal Board, Industrial Committee

+46 8 790 60 63

Johan Boye

Associate professor at KTH EECS School, PII of project SWE-QUEST: Swedish Question Generation for Assessing Reading Comprehension, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 75 63

Johan Karlsson

Professor, Optimisation and Systems Theory at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Executive Research, Co-PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 40

Johan Schuber

Senior research advisor, Strategic Research Areas at KTH

+46 8 790 67 64

Johanna Gavefalk

Chief Communications Officer (CCO), Member of the Executive Committee at Digital Futures

+46 8 790 93 56

John Leander

Associate Professor in Structural Engineering, at the division of Structural Engineering and Bridges at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 76 134 1430
Picture of John Owuor

John Owuor

Former PhD, Director, SPIDER Department of Computer and Systems Sciences (DSV) Stockholm University, Former PI: Digitalising Mental Healthcare Access in Uganda, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Johnblack Kabukye

Johnblack Kabukye

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow , Postdoc project: Patient empowerment and patient reported outcomes through mHealth in NCDs in Uganda

Jonas Beskow

Professor and Dep. Head of Division at Division of Speech, Music and Hearing at KTH, Working group Learn, Co-PI: Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS), Co-PI: Adaptive Intelligent Homes (AIH), Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 89 65
Picture of Jonas Mårtensson

Jonas Mårtensson

Associate Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH, Vice Chair Working group Smart Society, Co-PI: ChEss Machines For ElectriFiEd Construction SiTes (EFFECT), Co-PI: GEO-based Multi-layer Environmental Modelling of Urban TRaffIC (GEOMETRIC), Co-PI: Investigating Sidewalks’ Mobility and Improving it with Robots (ISMIR), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 190 97 98

Jonatan Langlet

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Comprehensive Network Insight for Resilient Infrastructures
Jonathan Metzger

Jonathan Metzger

Professor, School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Urban planning and Environment at KTH, Former Co-supervisor: How people are making the city smart – the role of algorithms in urban space, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 79 05

Jörg Conradt

Associate Professor of Neurocomputing Systems, KTH EECS CST, PI of project Edge computing for urban traffic monitoring, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 6231

Josephine Sullivan

Associate Professor, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning at KTH, Co-PI: EO-AI4GlobalChange, Former Co-Supervisor: Fusion of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing Time Series for Wildfire Monitoring with Deep Learning, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 61 36

Julia Uddén

Assistant Professor at Stockholm University, Co-Pi of project Using Neuroimaging Data for Exploring Conversational Engagement in Human-Robot Interaction at Digital Futures, Co-PI: The Neuroscience of Engagement: A Multimodal AI Approach to Understanding and Enhancing Human-Robot Interaction, Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 32 32

Kacper Szkalej

Assistant Professor of Law and Technology, Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute (IRI) at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 13 73
Picture of Karey Helms

Karey Helms

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Children and sustainability: Designing digital tools for collaborative survival
Picture of Karin Hansson

Karin Hansson

Researcher at Stockholm University, Former Co-supervisor: Data Work in Grassroots Community Organizing for Disability Justice
Picture of Karl H Johansson

Karl H. Johansson

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH, Director of Digital Futures, Member of the Executive Committee, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City eXtended (HiSSx), Fomer Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 404 73 21
Picture of Karl Meinke

Karl Meinke

Professor and Head of Division of Theoretical Computer Science at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 63 37

Karl Palmskog

Lecturer, EECS KTH, PI: Open Sandbox: Automated Verification of Security and Safety for Fast Vehicle Software Development (OSAVSS), Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Kasun De Zoysa

Kasun De Zoysa

Senior Lecturer, School of Computing at University of Colombo

+94 11 2589123

Katarina Fast Lappalainen

Associate Professor in Law & Information Technology at the Department of Law, Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 37 41

Kateryna Mishchenko

Senior Researcher Smart Industrial Automation unit, RISE, Co-PI: Industry 5.0 research towards a circular economy and community building

+46 73-421 32 53
Picture of Katie Winkle

Katie Winkle

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: On The Feminist Design of Social Robots and Designing Robots For Young People, With Young People
Kent Eriksson

Kent Eriksson

Professor at School of Architecture and the Built Environment, Real Estate and Construction Management at KTH, Working group Digitalized Industry, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 73 09
Picture of Kevin Smith

Kevin Smith

Associate Professor, Division of Computational Science and Technology at KTH, Working group Learn, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 64 37

Kjetil Falkenberg

Associate professor at KTH EECS School, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 78 57
Picture of Klara Nahrstedt

Klara Nahrstedt

Grainger Distinguished Chair in Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Picture of Kristina Höök

Kristina Höök

Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction design at KTH, Co-PI: The Digital Futures Drone Gymnasium, Digital Futures fellow, Former Main supervisor: Foreignness as a conceptual framework for interaction design, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Kristoffer Sahlin

Kristoffer Sahlin

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University and SciLifeLab Fellow, Working group Rich and Healthy Life, Digital Futures Faculty

Laia Turmo Vidal

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, PhD in Human Computer Interaction at KTH, Postdoc project: Connecting Bodies: Designing Shape-changing Wearables to Improve Remote Body-based Communication
Picture of Lars Asker

Lars Asker

Associate Professor and Doc., Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Former Co-PI: Explainable and Ethical Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Medical Data Sources at Digital Futures

Picture of Lars Norström

Lars Nordström

Professor at KTH, Co-PI of research project Machine Learning for Power Electronics-enabled Power Systems: A Unified ML Platform for Power Electronics, Power Systems, and Data Science, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 30

Lei Feng

Associate Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Mechatronics and Embedded Control Systems division, Department of Machine Design, Co-PI of project Scavenger: Real-time logic-based control for an autonomous scavenger robot

Liam Solus

Assistant Professor at KTH SCI, Working group Learn, Co-PI: CIML4MOB: Causally informed machine learning for individual mobility dynamics, Co-PI of project cAIMBER: Causal Artificial Intelligence for Human Mobility Behavior Analysis Using Trajectory Data, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 65 85
Picture of Liane Colonna

Liane Colonna

Assistant professor in law and informatics at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty


Liangchao Zou

Researcher, Division of Water and Environmental Engineering at the Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and Engineering (SEED), KTH, Co-PI of project DeepFlood: Enhancing large scale Flood Detection and Mapping using PolSAR, Metaheuristic, and Deep Learning Algorithms, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 86 33
Photo of Lihui Wang

Lihui Wang

Professor and Chair of Sustainable Manufacturing at KTH, Main supervisor: SMART – Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Co-PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures, Former Co-supervisor: Intelligent wireless communications and high-accuracy positioning systems, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Lina Rahm

Lina Rahm

Assistant Professor, The Division of History of Science, Technology and Environment, KTH, Working group Rich and Healthy Life, Digital Futures Faculty

Linnea Sundling

Former Site Officer at Digital Futures, Former Member of the Executive Committee

Lisa Prahl Wittberg

Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics at KTH, Co-PI of project Advanced Magnetic Resonance Elastography for the Brain​

+46 8 790 75 80
Picture of Lorenzo Travaglini

Lorenzo Travaglini

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Wearable, textile-based self-powered sensors for health monitoring
Picture of Luca Mottola

Luca Mottola

Senior researcher, Connected Intelligence Unit at RISE, PI of research project Digital Futures Drone Arena, Co-PI: The Digital Futures Drone Gymnasium, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 (0)73 801 52 67

Lucas Uhlén

Project Manager, IoT-Lead at Kista Science City

+46 70 855 55 62
Picture of Madeline Balaam

Madeline Balaam

Associate Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Designs at KTH, Co-PI: Mid-sized Seated Haptic Interactions for Autonomous Vehicles, Main supervisor: Technology Mediated Collective Caring through Menstrual and Reproductive Journeys, Former Co-supervisor: Relational Aspects of Care in Intimate Digital Health Technologies, Former Co-PI: Layering Trust in Intimate Digital Health Technologies, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 66 27
Picture of Mads Dam

Mads Dam

Professor, Division of Theoretical Computer Science at KTH, Working group Trust, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 29

Magnus Andersson

Associate Professor, SCI School at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 41 88
Picture of Magnus Jansson

Magnus Jansson

Professor at KTH EECS, PI: A3S: AI-based Asthma App using Spirometer, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 43

Magnus Wiktorsson

Professor at KTH ITM , Department of Sustainable Production Development, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 94 28
Picture of Mahiar Hamedi

Mahiar Max Hamedi

Associate professor, CBH School at KTH , PI of research project Democratizing Digital DNA Diagnostics, Digital Futures Faculty

Malin Åkermo

Professor, Engineering Mechanics at KTH

+46 70 320 64 45

Malin Selleby

Professor at KTH, former Working group Digitalized Industry, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 83 89

Malintha Fernando

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Designing Interaction-Aware Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems

Malte Rothhämel

Assistant Professor at SCI School KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 190 1358
Photo of Marco Chiesa

Marco Chiesa

Associate Professor, Division of software and computer systems at KTH EECS, Working group Cooperate, Main supervisor: Comprehensive Network Insight for Resilient Infrastructures, Co-PI: Emergence 2.0 - Securing Edge Networks with a Programmable Intelligent Architecture, Former Co-PI: Enabling Machine-Learning Intelligence for Network Cybersecurity (EMERGENCE), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 44 29

Marco Molinari

Researcher, Unit of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration at KTH, PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City eXtended (HiSSx), Former Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Co-PI: Industry 5.0 research towards a circular economy and community building, Co-Chair Working group Digitalized Industry, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 74 68
Picture of Mareike Glöss

Mareike Glöss

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: How people are making the city smart – the role of algorithms in urban space

Maria Östman

Controller, Head of the Controller unit, Finance Office at KTH

+46 8 790 80 88

Maria Rydell

Assistant Professor at Stockholm University, Co-PI of project SWE-QUEST: Swedish Question Generation for Assessing Reading Comprehension, Digital Futures Faculty

Marianela Ciolfi Felice

Assistant Professor in Interaction Design at KTH, Supervisor: Role of data-intensive methods in health advocacy efforts for disabled communities, Former Main supervisor: Data Work in Grassroots Community Organizing for Disability Justice, Digital Futures Faculty
Marie Sjölinder

Marie Sjölinder

Senior Researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Former Co-PI: Digitalising Mental Healthcare Access in Uganda (DiMHA)

Marina Petrova

Professor, RWTH Aachen University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Former Vice Director of Digital Futures and Chair of the Strategic Research Committee, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Mario Romero

Associate Professor, Division of Computational Science and Technology at KTH EECS School, Former Member of the Executive Committee, Former Associate Director for Seminars & Workshops, Co-PI: Platform for Smart People (PSP): Understanding Inclusion Challenges to Design and Develop an Independent Living Platform in a smart Society for and with people with autism, Co-supervisor: SMART – Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Markus Flierl

Markus Flierl

Associate Professor at KTH, PI of research project Fighting Dengue Fever with Aerial Drones, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 74 25

Martin Edin Grimheden

Associate Professor at the department of Mechatronics at the ITM School, KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 77 97

Martin Henkel

Associate Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University

+46 8 161637
Picture of Martin Jacobsson

Martin Jacobsson

Associate Professor at School of CBH at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 48 33
Picture of Martin Monperrus

Martin Monperrus

Professor of Software Technology at KTH EECS, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 65 40
Picture of Martin Törngren

Martin Törngren

Professor Unit of Mechatronics and Embedded Control Systems at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Digitalized Industry, PI: PERCy, PI: CAVeaT Connected Automated Vehicles trialling and Trustworthiness, Co-PI: Susan’s Ride on Campus2030, Co-PI: Industry 5.0 research towards a circular economy and community building, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 63 07
Picture of Martina Scolamiero

Martina Scolamiero

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director for Seminars & Workshops, Vice Chair Working group Learn, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 81 19

Masood Rangraz

Industrial Engineering & Management (ITM) school (KTH Royal Institute of Technology), Postdoc of research project Digitalisation and Educational Transformation: Empowering Students and Teachers with Cognitive Disabilities

Masoumeh Ebrahimi

Associate Professor, Division of Electronics and Embedded Systems, EECS, KTH, Adjunct Professor at the University of Turku, Finland, Co-supervisor: Generalizing hardware acceleration for nonlinear functions, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 49

Massimiliano Colarieti Tosti

Associate Professor, Division of Biomedical Engineering at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, PI of project Spatiotemporal reconstruction with learned deformations for earlier cancer detection via PET imaging, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 48 61
Picture of Mathias Ekstedt

Mathias Ekstedt

Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Working group Trust, Co-PI of project Threat models for cyber insurance, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 67

Matilda Larsson

Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems, KTH, PI: PelvicMIM – A Multimodal Imaging Matrix for enhanced diagnosis and understanding of childbirth-related Pelvic floor muscle injuries, Digital Futures Faculty

+46-8-790 48 23
Picture of Mats Bengtsson

Mats Bengtsson

Professor, Divison of Information Science and Engineering at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 63

Mats Danielsson

Vice President, External Relations and Innovation, Rektorsråd at Stockholm University, Governing Board at Digital Futures

+46 8 16 15 40
Picture of Mats Engwall

Mats Engwall

Professor, Unit of Management & Technology at KTH, PI: Barriers and enabling factors for digitalisation in the Swedish water sector, Working group Digitalized Industry, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 61 16
Picture of Mats Rönnbo

Mats Rönnbo

Sustainovation Director Affärsutvecklingschef at Skanska, Co-PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures

Matthias Becker

Assistant Professor at Division of Electronics and Embedded Systems, EECS School at KTH, Co-PI: Guaranteeing Pro-Active and Reactive Safety in intersections through resource management at the Edge (GPARSE), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 43 19

Matthieu Barreau

Assistant Professor at KTH DCS, PI: DECORUM for predictive maintenance of pump stations, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 7 902 399 96

Mattias Höjer

Professor, Strategic Sustainability Studies at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Smart Society, Co-PI: Smart Society - Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference, Former PI: Towards a Smart Society – the role of Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 64 51
Picture of Mattias Villani

Mattias Villani

Professor Department of Statistics at Stockholm University, Working group Smart Society, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 29 93
Picture of Mattias Wiggberg

Mattias Wiggberg

Researcher Unit of Management & Technology at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, PI: LATEL, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 91 44

Maxim Miterev

Assistant Professor in Industrial Management, ITM at KTH, Project: Barriers and enabling factors for digitalisation in the Swedish water sector, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Meike Schalk

Meike Schalk

Associate Professor in Urban Design and Urban Theory, and Docent in Architecture at KTH School of Architecture

Melek Sensoy

Interim - Accounting Officer

+46 8 790 43 08

Michael Popoff

Senior Researcher at RISE, PI of project Autonomous drones and AI-assisted computer vision for near real-time mapping and management of wild stock, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 41 33

Michel Gokan Khan

Digital Futures Industrial Postdoc Fellow in the project: Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Picture of Michele Simoni

Michele Simoni

Assistant Professor at KTH ABE, PI of project Investigating Sidewalks’ Mobility and Improving it with Robots (ISMIR), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 85 12
Photo of Mikael Johansson

Mikael Johansson

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH EECS, Former Main supervisor: Distributed Optimization and Federated Learning in Emerging Smart Networks, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 74 36

Mikael Lindström

Professor and Deputy President of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Chair Digital Futures Governing Board, Chair Industrial & Societal Board, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 70 71

Mikael Nybacka

Associate Professor at KTH SCI, Member of the Industrial Committee, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 76 38
Photo of Mikael Skoglund

Mikael Skoglund

Professor and Head of Department, Division of Information Science and Engineering at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Fellows, ICT TNG Director, Working group Cooperate, Co-PI: PERCy, Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City eXtended (HiSSx), Former Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Main supervisor: Fast Distributed Learning based on Adaptive Gradient Coding with Convergence Guarantees, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 30
Picture of Ming Jin

Ming Jin

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech

Ming Xiao

Associate Professor, Division of ISE at KTH EECS, Working group Learn, Co-supervisor: SMART – Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry, Co-supervisor: Fast Distributed Learning based on Adaptive Gradient Coding with Convergence Guarantees, Former Main supervisor: Intelligent wireless communications and high-accuracy positioning systems, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 65 77
Picture of Minjie Chen

Minjie Chen

Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Princeton University

Mirjam Palosaari Eladhari

Associate Professor at the Department of Computer and System Sciences at Stockholm University, PI of research project Platform for Smart People (PSP): Understanding Inclusion Challenges to Design and Develop an Independent Living Platform in a smart Society for and with people with autism, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 11 37

Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh

Associate professor at KTH EECS School, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 77 50
Photo of Monica Bellgran

Monica Bellgran

Former Professor, Sustainable Production Development at KTH, Former Working group Digitalized Industry, Former PI: Industry 4.0 and beyond – towards Industry 5.0 by driving sustainability through digitalization, Former Co-PI: Digitalized Industry 5.0 research towards a circular economy and community, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Muriel Beser Hugosson

Former Head of School at KTH ABE, Former Member of the Governing Board

Photo of Musard Balliu

Musard Balliu

Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at KTH, Supervisor: Secure IoT App Platform, Former Co-PI: SOS - Empowering User Control over Sensitive IoT Data, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 22

Mustafa Özger

Researcher, EECS KTH, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Naira Hovakimyan

Naira Hovakimyan

W. Grafton and Lillian B. Wilkins Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Picture of Nelson Sommerfeldt

Nelson Sommerfeldt

Researcher in Prosumer Energy Systems, Unit of Applied Thermodynamics and Refrigeration at KTH, Working group Smart Society at Digital Futures, Former Co-PI: Towards a Smart Society – the role of Digital Futures
Picture of Nicolas Martin

Nicolas Martin

Assistant Professor, Crop Sciences University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Photo of Nicolas Tsiftes

Nicolas Tsiftes

Senior researcher in the Connected Intelligence unit at RISE, Co-PI of project Emergence 2.0: Securing Edge Networks with a Programmable Intelligent Architecture, Former Co-PI: Enabling Machine-Learning Intelligence for Network Cybersecurity (EMERGENCE), Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Nicole Kringos

Nicole Kringos

Professor, Division of Structural Engineering and Bridges at KTH, Member of Working group Educational Transformation, Co-PI of research project Susan’s Ride on Campus2030, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 87 00

Nicole Pamme

Professor in Analytical Chemistry at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+ 46 8 16 12 91

Niharika Gauraha

Lecturer, Director of studies first and second cycle, EECS (SCS), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 728573421
Picture of Nina Cyrén Wormbs

Nina Cyrén Wormbs

Professor, History of Science, Technology and Environment at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 85 83

Nooshin Nosrati

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Lego Inspired accessible and automated design framework for demanding Edge AI Systems

Ola Knutsson

Associate Professor in Human-Computer Interaction at the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

+46 816 16 84
Picture of Olga Viberg

Olga Viberg

Associate Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, Co-PI: LATEL, Co-PI: Transforming Engineering Education with Multimodal GenAI and Intelligent Agents for Improving Students’ Problem-Solving Skills, Main supervisor: Fairness and Bias of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Education: Challenges and Future Directions, Former PI: Responsible Digital Assessment Futures in Higher Education (REFINE), Former Co-supervisor: Privacy of online proctoring systems in higher education settings, Digital Futures Faculty,

+46 8 790 68 04
Picture of Oliver Popov

Oliver Popov

Professor at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

08-674 72 37

Olivia Eriksson

Researcher at KTH and SciLifeLab, Coordinator of SeRC, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 08
Picture of Olof Bälter

Olle Bälter

Professor in Computer Science, Associate Professor in Human-Computer Interaction, KTH, Co-PI: QB-ACT where we are AI-generating a course on Cognitive behavioral therapy, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 63 41

Olov Andersson

Assistant Professor, EECS KTH, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Olov Engwall

Olov Engwall

Professor in Speech Communication and Technology, KTH, Co-PI of project Semi-automated math tutoring, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 75 35

Örjan Bodin

Professor at Stockholm University, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Co-supervisor: Dragons - Data-Driven Algorithms and Governance for Networked Societies, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 674 76 71

Örjan Smedby

Professor and Head of Division of Biomedical Engineering at KTH, Co-PI of research project Digitizing Brain Data for Health and Disease, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 96 20

Ozan Öktem

Associate Professor at KTH, Co-PI of project Spatiotemporal reconstruction with learned deformations for earlier cancer detection via PET imaging, Chair working group Learn, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Pan Zhao

Pan Zhao

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Picture of Panagiotis Papapetrou

Panagiotis Papapetrou

Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, PI of research project Explainable and Ethical Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Medical Data Sources, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 16 97
Picture of Panos Papadimitratos

Panos Papadimitratos

Professor, Networked Systems Security Lab, Division of Software and Computer Systems, Working group Trust, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 63

Panpan Zhou

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Distributed Optimal Control Strategies for Networked Multiagent Systems

Pär Blomkvist

Senior Lecturer, Mälardalen University, Co-PI: Barriers and enabling factors for digitalisation in the Swedish water sector

Pär Jönsson

Professor, ITM KTH, Member of the Governing Board at Digital Futures
Photo of Paris Carbone

Paris Carbone

Assistant Professor Division of Software and Computer Systems EECS school at KTH, Working group Cooperate, Co-PI: PORTALS - Teleporting smart edge services to a serverless future, Co-PI: Mediverse - Multimodal Clinical Exploration and Search on a Single Graph, Former Co-PI: Resilient Decentralized Computing - Enabling Trust and Simplicity in Smart Edge Services, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Patric Jensfeldt

Patric Jensfelt

Professor, Division for Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL) at EECS, KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 67 31
Picture of Patrick Hammer

Patrick Hammer

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Intelligence through reasoning

Pawel Herman

Associate Professor, Computer Science, Division of Computational Science and Technology at KTH EECS, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Strategic Research and Chair of the Strategic Research Committee, Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City eXtended (HiSSx), Former Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Former Co-supervisor: Intelligence through reasoning, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 65 13
Picture of Pernilla Hagbert

Pernilla Hagbert

Researcher at KTH ABE, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 73 34

Pernilla Ulfvengren

Associate professor, PhD in Human-Machine system, Docent in Industrial engineering and Sociotechnical systems, School of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH, Program director for Industrial technology and sustainability (PA Civilingenjör Industriell Teknik och Hållbarhet, CITEH), Director of KTH Centre for Sustainable Aviation, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 708 273764

Petri Laukka

Professor at the Department of Psychology at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 39 35
Picture of Petter Ögren

Petter Ögren

Professor, Division of Robotics, Perception and Learning (RPL) at KTH, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 66 46
Photo of Philipp Haller

Philipp Haller

Associate Professor, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at KTH, Co-PI: PORTALS - Teleporting smart edge services to a serverless future, Former Co-PI: Resilient Decentralized Computing: Enabling Trust and Simplicity in Smart Edge Services, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 81 20
Picture of Pontus Johnson

Pontus Johnson

Professor at KTH EECS, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 25
Picture of Prateek Mittal

Prateek Mittal

Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Princeton University

Praveen Kumar Donta

Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty


Puzhao Zhang

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Fusion of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing Time Series for Wildfire Monitoring with Deep Learning

Qian Wang

Researcher at the ABE School at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 44
Picture of Qianwen Xu

Qianwen Xu

Assistant Professor at KTH, Former Co-PI: Autonomous coordination and control of smart converters for sustainable power systems, Former PI: Data-Driven Control and Coordination of Smart Converters for Sustainable Power System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 63 56

Rafia Inam

Senior Manager Trustworthy AI, Ericsson Research, Adjunct Professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Affiliated Scholar

Picture of Ragnar Thobaben

Ragnar Thobaben

Associate Professor at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 52

Rahim Rahmani

Professor in Computer in Computer Science Depart. of Computer & Systems Sciences (DSV) at Stockholm University, Working group Digitalised Industry, Co-PI of research project Platform for Smart People (PSP): Understanding Inclusion Challenges to Design and Develop an Independent Living Platform in a smart Society for and with people with autism, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 674 74 94

Raid Karoumi

Professor, PhD - Head of Division of Structural Engineering & Bridges at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 7909084
Picture of Rami Mochaourab

Rami Mochaourab

Former Senior Researcher, Digital Systems division at RISE, Former Vice Chair Working group Digitalized Industry, Former Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Former Co-PI: Explainable and Ethical Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Medical Data Sources, Former Co-PI: AI-based Positioning and Personalization Platform for Human Body Models (HBMs), Former Digital Futures Faculty

Renan Guarese

Digital Futures Industrial Postdoc Fellow in the project: Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Picture of Reyhaneh Jabbarvand

Reyhaneh Jabbarvand

Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Picture of Ricardo Vinuesa

Ricardo Vinuesa

Associate Professor at KTH, PI: An AI-based framework for harmonizing climate policies and projects with the SDGs, PI: Beyond 2030: Achieving the SDGs within the Planetary Boundaries, an AI-based approach, Co-PI: Faster-than-real-time and high-resolution simulation of fluid flow in engineering applications: indoor climate as a pilot, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 71 52

Richard Lee Davis

Assistant Professor in the Division of Digital Learning at the ITM School at KTH, Co-PI: Transforming Engineering Education with Multimodal GenAI and Intelligent Agents for Improving Students’ Problem-Solving Skills, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70-568 41 40
Photo of Rob Comber

Rob Comber

Associate Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Designs at KTH, Former Main supervisor: How people are making the city smart – the role of algorithms in urban space, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 12

Robert Gioielli

Associate Professor of Environmental Humanities, Director KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 734607317
Picture of Robert Johansson

Robert Johansson

Associate Professor at Stockholm University, Co-PI: Artificial Actors - Directable digital humans based on psychological models of relational reasoning, Former Main supervisor: Intelligence through reasoning, Digital Futures Faculty

08-16 36 85
Photo of Robert Lagerström

Robert Lagerström

Professor, School of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science at KTH , Former Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Robert Pilawa-Podgurski

Robert Pilawa-Podgurski

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California, Berkeley

Robert Ramberg

Professor at Stockholm University, department of Computer and Systems Science, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 49 14

Robert Tomkowski

Researcher ITM School KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 90 74

Roberto Bresin

Professor of Media Technology at the Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID), KTH EECS, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 78 76
Roberto Guanciale

Roberto Guanciale

Associate Professor, Divison of Theoretical Computer Science at KTH, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 69 37
Photo of Rodrigo Moreno

Rodrigo Moreno

Associate Professor, School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health (CBH) at KTH, Co-PI of project Characterization of the mechanical tissue properties of the brain in the developing brain with magnetic resonance elastography, Co-PI of project Advanced Magnetic Resonance Elastography for the Brain​, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 9787
Picture of Rolf Stadler

Rolf Stadler

Prof. and Head of Division, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Co-PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS) at Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 50

Romain Rumpler

Associate Professor in Engineering Acoustics, Marcus Wallenberg Laboratory for Sound and Vibration Research (MWL) at KTH SCI School, PI of project GEOMETRIC: GEO-based Multi-layer Environmental Modelling of Urban TRaffIC, Co-PI of project DIRAC: DynamIc uRban roAd traffiC noise simulation model using passive and publicly available data, Co-PI: SENZ-Lab: Stockholm EnviroNmental Zone digital Laboratory

+46 73 461 24 97
Picture of Ruoli Wang

Ruoli Wang

Assistant Professor at KTH, Co-PI: PelvicMIM – A Multimodal Imaging Matrix for enhanced diagnosis and understanding of childbirth-related Pelvic floor muscle injuries, Former Co-PI: Digital twins of human neuromusculoskeletal system - A new paradigm of personalised medicin in neuro-rehabilitation, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 01
Picture of Saikat Chatterjee

Saikat Chatterjee

Associate Professor, Division of Information Science and Engineering at KTH, Main supervisor: Explainable Machine Learning for Early Warning Systems, Co-PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems - Impact and Demonstrators, Former Co-PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems, Co-PI: A3S: AI-based Asthma App using Spirometer, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 78
Picture of Sandra Di Rocco

Sandra Di Rocco

Dean of the faculty of Engineering Science at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Professor of Mathematics, Member of the Governing Board at Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 984 71 68

Sandra Pauletto

Associate Professor in the Media Technology and Interaction Design division at KTH EECS, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Mobility, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 23
Picture of Sanna Kuoppamäki

Sanna Kuoppamäki

Assistant Professor, Division of Technology in Health Care at KTH, Co-PI of research project Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS), Co-PI: Adaptive Intelligent Homes (AIH), Co-Supervisor for Postdoc project Personalized Companion Robot for Open-Domain Dialogue in Long-Term Elderly Care, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 97 31
Picture of Sara Sandberg

Sara Sandberg

PhD, Master Researcher - Radio Network Solutions for Industries, Ericsson Research, Co-PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures

+46 72 539 80 45
Picture of Sarunas Girdzijauskas

Sarunas Girdzijauskas

Associate Professor, Software and Computer System (SCS) division at EECS at KTH, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 41 75

Satarupa Chakrabarti

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Extraction of Parkinson’s disease related temporal feature of brain activity
Picture of Saurabh Amin

Saurabh Amin

Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology
PIcture of Sebastiaan Meijer

Sebastiaan Meijer

Professor and Vice dean, Division of Health Informatics and Logistics, Head of Department, Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems and Professor in Health Care Logistics at KTH, Member of the Governing Board at Digital Futures, Co-supervisor: Explainable Machine Learning for Early Warning Systems, Co-PI: Mediverse - Multimodal Clinical Exploration and Search on a Single Graph, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 80 71

Sepideh Pashami

Senior Researcher at Data Analysis Unit, Digital Systems Division at RISE, Co-PI of research project Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints (DataLEASH) at Digital Futures

+46 10 228 40 73

Seraina Dual

Assistant Professor at the Division of Health Informatics and Logistics at the CBH School at KTH, Co-PI: Data-driven cardiovascular assist devices, Co-PI: BioAct: self-powered biodegradable pressure sensor for wireless post-surgical patient management, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 97 69

Shahab Mirjalili

Assistant Professor in Fluid Mechanics, Department of Engineering Mechanics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Shahid Raza

Shahid Raza

Director of Cybersecurity Unit at RISE, Associate Professor (Docent) at Uppsala University, Working group Trust, Co-Supervisor: Secure IoT App Platform, Former Co-Supervisor: Gender inclusive cyber security, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 43 96

Shareq Mohd Nazir

Associate professor at KTH CBH School, Digital Futures Faculty

Shehzad Ali Ashraf

Master researcher, Ericsson AB, Co-PI: PERCy

Picture of Shengnan Han

Shengnan Han

Associate Professor at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

08-674 74 67

Shoaib Azizi

Digital Futures Industrial Postdoc project: Environmental impacts of digitalization based on life-cycle assessment

Silun Zhang

Assistant Professor in Optimization and System Theory, Department of Mathematics, KTH, Co-PI: Analysis and Synergy of Hyper-networked Autonomy at the Societal Scale, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8790 6238

Silvia Cardenas Svensson

Former Controller at Digital Futures, Former Member of the Executive Committee at Digital Futures

+46 8 790 74 34

Simon Alexanderson

Researcher at KTH EECS, Co-PI: Artificial Actors - Directable digital humans based on psychological models of relational reasoning, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 93

Simon Hacks

Associate professor at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 18 29
Picture of Sindri Magnússon

Sindri Magnússon

Associate professor, Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, Vice Chair Working group Cooperate, Co-PI: Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Former Co-PI: Data-Driven Control and Coordination of Smart Converters for Sustainable Power System Using Deep Reinforcement Learning at DTI, Former Co-Supervisor: Distributed Optimization and Federated Learning in Emerging Smart Networks, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 11 15

Sissi Rizko

Former Programme Officer at Digital Futures, Former Member of the Executive Committee

Picture of Siyuan Liu 1x1

Siyuan Liu

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Secure-by-Construction Controller Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems

Sofia Lingegård

Researcher, ABE KTH

+46 8 790 86 24

Sofia Olsson

Industrial PhD Student, Atlas Copco, EES/EE, School of EECS, KTH, Co-PI: New Chip Architectures for Industrial Vision
Picture of Sonja Berlijn

Sonja Berlijn

Former Professor, Sustainable Integrated Energy Systems at KTH, Former Member of the Governing Board, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Photo of Sonja Buchegger

Sonja Buchegger

Professor, Division of Theoretical and Computer Science at KTH, Working group Trust, Co-PI of research project Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints (DataLEASH), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 89

Soon Hoe Lim

Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics at KTH, Assistant Professor at Nordita, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Stacy Vallis

Stacy Ann Vallis

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Digital Transformations for Optimizing the Post-Pandemic Sustainable Smart City
Picture of Stacy Hsueh

Stacy Hsueh

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Data Work in Grassroots Community Organizing for Disability Justice
Picture of Stanley Greenstein

Stanley Greenstein

Associate Professor (Docent), Department of Law at Stockholm University, Working group Trust, Co-PI of research project Explainable and Ethical Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Medical Data Sources, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 25 98

Stefan Axelsson

Professor at Stockholm University, Member of the Industrial Committee, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 11 33
Picture of Stefan Bauer

Stefan Bauer

Former Assistant Professor at KTH EECS, Former Working group Learn, Former Co-PI: Data-driven cardiovascular assist devices, Former Co-PI: Seed funding for large grant proposals, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Stefan Hrastinski

Stefan Hrastinski

Professor Unit of Digital Learning at KTH, Working group Educational Transformation, PI: Semi-automated math tutoring, Co-PI: LATEL, Former Co-PI: Responsible Digital Assessment Futures in Higher Education (REFINE), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 65 68

Stefan Neumann

Former Assistant Professor at KTH, EECS School, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Stefan Stenbom

Associate Professor in Learning in Engineering Sciences at the Division of Digital Learning, at the ITM School, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 61 29

Stefano Markidis

Professor of Computer Science, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 78 96

Stefano Sorrentino

Principal researcher, Ericsson AB, Co-PI: PERCy

Picture of Stefanos Georganos

Stefanos Georganos

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Unraveling the potential of AI and Earth Observation for accurate population predictions in urban regions (POPAI)
Picture of Susanne Nilsson

Susanne Nilsson

Researcher, Integrated product development and design, Machine design, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, KTH

Svein Kleiven

Professor, Head of division of Neuronic Enineering, CBH School , Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 64 48
Photo of Sverker Jansson

Sverker Janson

Unit manager Computer Systems, Director RISE Center for Applied AI, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 544 33 54

Takeshi Shirabe

Professor, Division of Geoinformatics, Department of Urban Planning and Environment, School of Architecture and the Built Environment (ABE) at KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

Picture of Teresa Cerratto Pargman

Teresa Cerratto Pargman

Professor, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), Dept. of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University (SU), Faculty of Social Sciences at Stockholm University, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Societal Outreach, Working group Educational Transformation, Co-supervisor: Fairness and Bias of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Education: Challenges and Future Directions, Co-PI: Transforming HIgher Education Practice Through Generative-AI, Former Co-PI: Responsible Digital Assessment Futures in Higher Education (REFINE), Former Main supervisor: Privacy of online proctoring systems in higher education settings, Digital Futures Faculty,

+ 46 (0)73 460 57 47

Thashmee Karunaratne

Associate professor at ITM, KTH, Co-PI: LATEL, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Therese Balksjö

Therese Balksjö

Head of Connected Society at RISE, Working group Smart Society, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 41 02
Picture of Thiemo Voigt

Thiemo Voigt

Professor Connected Intelligence Unit at RISE, PI: Fighting Dengue Fever with Aerial Drones, Co-PI: HumanScatter - Demonstrating Rich and Batteryless Human-Powered Interaction using Backscatter, Former Co-supervisor: Foreignness as a conceptual framework for interaction design, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 10 228 43 48

Thomas E Winkler

Associate Professor, Micro- and Nanosystems at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Co-PI: OrganoFeed: Feedback-enhanced organoid maturation towards higher reproducibility for in-vitro drug testing

+46 73 270 2897
Picture of Thomas Westin

Thomas Westin

Senior Lecturer, Stockholm University, Co-PI of research project Platform for Smart People (PSP): Understanding Inclusion Challenges to Design and Develop an Independent Living Platform in a smart Society for and with people with autism

Tianzhi Li

Digital Futures Industrial Postdoc Fellow in the project: Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry
Picture of Tigran Haas

Tigran Haas

Associate Professor at KTH, Director of Halcyon Athenaeum Laboratory HAL, Former Director of International Research Centre CFP, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 85 04
Picture of Tiziana Fuoco

Tiziana Fuoco

Associate Professor at Uppsala University, Former Co-PI: Engineering biodegradable components for packaging digitalisation

Tobias Oechtering

Professor, Division of Information Science and Engineering at KTH, Director Digitalisation Platform at KTH, Member of the Governing Board at Digital Futures, Working group Trust, Digital Futures Fellow, PI: DataLEASH in Action, Former PI: Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints (DataLEASH), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 62

Tomas Österlind

Assistant Prof. Machining systems at KTH, ITM, IIP, Co-director Centre for Design and Management of Manufacturing Systems at KTH, Co-director for the International Grinding Center at Chalmers IGC, Working group Digitalized Industry, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 90 27

Tony Lindgren

Associate professor at Stockholm University in department of Computer and Systems Science, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 16 17 01
Picture of Ulf Håkansson

Ulf Håkansson

PhD, Technical Manager, Skanska Sweden AB, Co-PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures

+46 73 856 56 98

Ulf Olofsson

Professor, ITM KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 63 04

Ulla Mörtberg

Professor and Docent, Sustainable Development, Environmental Science and and Engineering at KTH, Co-PI: EO-AI4GlobalChange, Co-PI: Embedding AI in an innovative geospatial tool to support policy for clean cooking adoption in low- and middle-income countries, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 86 08

Ulrica Edlund

Professor, Division of Polymer Technology at KTH, Co-PI of research project Robotic Matter, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 76 34
Photo of Ulrik Franke

Ulrik Franke

Senior researcher, Division of Digital Systems at RISE, Co-PI of project Threat models for cyber insurance, Former Digital Futures Faculty

+46 72 549 92 64
Picture of Ulrik Janusson

Ulrik Janusson

Technology leader automation, Scania, Co-PI: PERCy

Ulrika Knagenhielm-Karlsson

Full Professor, ABE KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 85 90

Ulrika Larsson

Site & Event Officer, Member of the Executive Committee at Digital Futures

+46 8 790 43 04

Una Cunningham

Professor in English Language Education at Stockholm University, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 120 767 02

Uno Fors

Professor, Department of Computer and Systems Science at Stockholm University, Former Member of the Executive Committee, Former Digital Futures Faculty

Vania Ceccato

Professor at the Department of Urban Planning and Environment, ABE School, KTH, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 86 25
Picture of Vendela Hasselberg

Vendela Hasselberg

Partner Liaison Officer, Member of the Executive Committee at Digital Futures

+46 70 087 70 64

Veronique Chotteau

Associate Professor, Division of Industrial Biotechnology at KTH CBH, Working group Digitalized Industry, Co-PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems - Impact and Demonstrators, Former Co-PI: Data-Limited Learning of Complex Dynamical Systems, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 96 28
Picture of Viktoria Fodor

Viktoria Fodor

Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Former Member of the Executive Committee, Former Associate Director Strategic Research and Chair of the Strategic Research Committee, Working group Cooperate, PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 68

Vitaly Petrov

Assistant Professor, Division of Communication Systems, School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 735 777 317
Picture of Vladimir Cvetkovic

Vladimir Cvetkovic

Professor, Resources, Energy and Infrastructure at KTH, Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City eXtended (HiSSx), Former Co-PI: Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 62 90

Wangzhong Mu

Researcher at the Unit of Structures at the ITM school at KTH, Former Co-PI: Industry 4.0 and beyond – towards Industry 5.0 by driving sustainability through digitalization, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 83 83
Picture of Wei Liu

Wei Liu

Assistant Professor at KTH, Former PI of project: AI-based prediction of urban climate and its impact on built environments at DTI, Co-PI of project Faster-than-real-time and high-resolution simulation of fluid flow in engineering applications: indoor climate as a pilot, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 86 71

Wilco Burghout

Director Centre for Traffic Research, KTH ABE CTR, Co-PI of project Edge computing for urban traffic monitoring, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 618 57 41

Wojciech Chachólski

Professor, Mathematics at KTH, Co-PI of research project Digitizing Brain Data for Health and Disease, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 71 33

Wouter Van der Wijngaart

Professor Division of Micro and Nanosystems at KTH, Working group Rich and Healthy Life, PI of research project Robotic Matter, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 66 13

Xaiogai Li

Associate professor, Division of Neuronic Engineering and Docent in Technology and Health, KTH

Xi Wang

Associate professor at KTH ITM School, Unit of Sustainable Production Systems, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 90 24

Xiaogai Li

Associate Professor, CBH School at KTH, Co-PI: AI-based Positioning and Personalization Platform for Human Body Models (HBMs), Former Co-PI: Seed funding for large grant proposals, Working group Rich and Healthy Life, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Xiaoliang Ma

Xiaoliang Ma

Researcher, School of Industrial Engineering and Management at KTH, Former Co-PI of project iHorse - improving air quality and Health risk forecasts by data-driven modelling of traffic and atmospheric environment, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 84 26
Picture of Xiaoming Hu

Xiaoming Hu

Professor, Optimization and Systems Theory, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 71 80
Picture of Xiongfei Wang

Xiongfei Wang

Full Professor in Power Electronics Systems at the Division of Electric Power and Energy Systems, KTH, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty
Photo of Xuyang Wu

Xuyang Wu

Former Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Distributed Optimization and Federated Learning in Emerging Smart Networks

Yael Feldman-Maggor

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow: Fairness and Bias of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies in Education: Challenges and Future Directions
Photo of Yifang Ban

Yifang Ban

Professor and Head of Division Geoinformatics at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director for Dissemination & Impact, PI: EO-AI4GlobalChange, Former Main supervisor: Unraveling the potential of AI and Earth Observation for accurate population predictions in urban regions (POPAI), Former Main supervisor: Fusion of Radar and Optical Remote Sensing Time Series for Wildfire Monitoring with Deep Learning, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 86 48

Yixi Cai

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Towards Smart Cities: Collaborative Spatial Perception for Digital Twinning
Picture of Ylva Fernaeus

Ylva Fernaeus

Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH, PI of research project HumanScatter Demonstrating Rich and Batteryless Human-Powered Interaction using Backscatter Communication, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 70 876 33 01

Yongkuk (Jake) Jeong

Assistant Professor, Department of Sustainable Production Development, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Co-Chair Working group Digitalized Industry, PI: Industry 5.0 research towards a circular economy and community building, Former Co-PI: Industry 4.0 and beyond – towards Industry 5.0 by driving sustainability through digitalization, Co-PI: SHIFT-DT: Sustainable, Holistic, Integrated Framework for Ship Design and Production Transformation through Digital Twins, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 940 35 93
Picture of Yuanyuan Li

Yuanyuan Li

Assistant Professor at KTH, Former Co-PI: Digital twins of human neuromusculoskeletal system - A new paradigm of personalised medicin in neuro-rehabilitation, Digital Futures Faculty
Picture of Zahra Kalantari

Zahra Kalantari

Associate Professor in Environmental and Engineering Geosciences at KTH, Co-PI of project Optimization of Agricultural Management for Soil Carbon Sequestration Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and Large-Scale Simulations at DTI, Co-PI of project DeepAqua, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 86 93

Zeinab Shirvani

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Rapid space-based Detection, Dimensions, and Drivers of forest fires within the context of forest-based Climate solutions (3DFire)

Zhenliang Ma

Associate Professor in Traffic Engineering, Division of Transport Planning at KTH, ABE School, PI of project DIRAC: DynamIc uRban roAd traffiC noise simulation model using passive and publicly available data, Co-PI: CIML4MOB: Causally informed machine learning for individual mobility dynamics, Co-PI: cAIMBER: Causal Artificial Intelligence for Human Mobility Behavior Analysis Using Trajectory Data, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 48 14
Picture of Zhibo Pang

Zhibo Pang

Senior Principal Scientist, Department of Automation Technology, ABB Corporate Research Sweden, Adjunct Professor, Department of Intelligent Systems, EECS, KTH, Former Co-supervisor: Intelligent wireless communications and high-accuracy positioning systems

Zhiqi Tang

Digital Futures Postdoctoral Fellow, Postdoc project: Sensory-based hierarchical control of intelligent multi-vehicle systems​
Picture of Zhonghai Lu

Zhonghai Lu

Professor, Electronic Systems Design at KTH EECS, Main supervisor: Generalizing hardware acceleration for nonlinear functions, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 41 68

Zhou Zhou

Assistant Professor at KTH CBH, Digital Futures Faculty