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The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the SDGs

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Nov 30

Date and time: 30 November 2021, 15:00-16:00 CET
Speaker: Ricardo Vinuesa and Francesco Fuso Nerini, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the SDGs

Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440

Watch the recorded presentation:


Abstract: The emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and its progressively wider impact on many sectors requires an assessment of its effect on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Using a consensus-based expert elicitation process, we find that AI can enable the accomplishment of 134 targets across all the goals, but it may also inhibit 59 targets. However, current research foci overlook important aspects. The fast development of AI needs to be supported by the necessary regulatory insight and oversight for AI-based technologies to enable sustainable development. Failure to do so could result in gaps in transparency, safety, and ethical standards.

Picture of Ricardo VineusaBio: Ricardo Vinuesa is an Associate Professor at the Department of Engineering Mechanics, at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. He is also a Researcher at the AI Sustainability Center in Stockholm and Vice Director of the KTH Digitalization Platform. He received his PhD in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. His research combines numerical simulations and data-driven methods to understand and model complex wall-bounded turbulent flows, such as the boundary layers developing around wings, obstacles, or the flow-through ducted geometries. Dr. Vinuesa’s research is funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) and the Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC). He has also received the Göran Gustafsson Award for Young Researchers.

Link to the profile of Ricardo Vinuesa

Picture of Francesco Fuso NeriniBio: Francesco Fuso Nerini works as Associate Professor at the KTH division of Energy Systems, and is the Director of the KTH Climate Action Centre at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden. His focus is on addressing multi-disciplinary sustainable development-related issues – including how future climate change, energy choices, and AI will affect the achievement of the climate and sustainable development goals. Before joining KTH, Francesco worked and/or studied in 13 institutions located in 9 different countries, spanning from academia to national and international organizations.

Link to the profile of Francesco Fuso Nerini