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Communication-Aware Distributed Computation in Networked Autonomous Systems

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Jun 27

Date and time: 27 June 2024, 13:00-14:00 CEST
Speaker: Chinwendu Enyioha
Title: Communication-Aware Distributed Computation in Networked Autonomous Systems

Online seminar: Zoom
Administrator: Mario Romero,

Abstract: In the talk, I will summarize some efforts at communication-efficient methods for distributed computation in our research group and present results in distributed and optimal state estimation in a communication-constrained environment where agents share compressed state estimates with neighbouring agents. I will show how estimation error covariances are computed in a fully distributed manner by leveraging the strongly connected network and independence of state estimation from the estimation error covariance computation. This approach enables a fully distributed implementation of the optimal consensus-based filter.

I will also present recent efforts to compensate for the effects of information compression in distributed algorithms alongside convergence and stability analysis of the proposed algorithms.

Bio: Dr. Enyioha’s research focuses on distributed decision-making and limited-communication control of networked autonomous systems. He leads the Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Lab at the University of Central Florida (UCF). Prior to arriving at UCF as an Assistant Professor of ECE, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard and Tufts and a Postdoctoral Researcher in the GRASP Lab at the University of Pennsylvania (Penn).  He received a B.Sc. in Mathematics from Gardner-Webb University and a PhD in Electrical Engineering from Penn. Dr. Enyioha is a Fellow of the Ford Foundation and was named a William Fontaine Scholar at Penn. He is hosted by Professor Carlo Fischione in the Network and Systems Division of EECS at KTH as part of the Digital Futures 2024 Summer Early Career program.

Link to the speaker profile page