Understanding urban divide for environmental exposure from above
Date and time: 12 May 2022, 12:00 – 13:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Speaker: Prof Jon Wang, University of Twente
Title: Understanding urban divide for environmental exposure from above
Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/69560887455
Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440
Watch the recorded presentation:
Abstract: The ongoing practice of applying Earth Observation (EO) technology shows the great potential for mapping every aspect of urbanization, hence understanding the interactions, resilience and risks at the human-environment interface. However, understanding the risk of how vulnerable groups are exposed to environment is largely constrained by the limited knowledge about vulnerability derived from remote sensing imagery. In this talk, I will present you with the practice, rationale, strength and limitations of mapping vulnerability by using EO based datasets. I will especially focus on the experience of mapping urban poverty in the Global South to showcase how the remote sensing community has been trying to derive knowledge about socioeconomic status, where I argue that the ongoing practice of mapping socioeconomic status may lead to problems of reduced interpretability and limited scientific validity. This argument is then followed by suggested alternatives to avoid these problems.
Bio: Jiong (Jon) Wang is affiliated with the Faculty of ITC, The University of Twente. His research is set at the intersection of Urban Remote Sensing and Geospatial analysis, where he largely relies on image analysis, statistical modelling and machine learning applied to satellite imagery data for the understanding of urban development. His main research focus is characterizing urban structures, such as land use and land cover types, and socioeconomic conditions, by utilizing features and measurements derived from imagery data. He also focuses on environmental mapping to investigate how cities interact with the environment, climate events and hazards.