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Digital Futures is proud to announce four new Seed projects

Digital Futures Seed projects are intended to support activities necessary to create and advance competitive research proposals, such as performing preliminary work and facilitating collaboration for a duration of one year.

The Seed projects are:

  1. Towards a Smart Society – the role of Digital Futures
    Digital Futures Working Group Smart Society
    PI: Mattias Höjer (KTH ABE)
  2. Industry 4.0 and beyond – towards Industry 5.0 by driving sustainability through digitalization
    Digital Futures Working Group Digitalized Industry
    PI: Monica Bellgran (KTH ITM)
  3. Responsible Digital Assessment Futures in Higher Education
    Digital Futures Working Group Educational Transformation
    PI: Olga Viberg (KTH EECS)
  4. Seed funding for large grant proposals 
    Digital Futures Working Group Rich and Healthy Life
    PI: Jens Lagergren (KTH EECS)

With more ongoing calls, the Digital Futures research programme continues to expand.


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