IEEE ICMLCN 2024: Inaugural Conference to unite Machine Learning and Communications in Stockholm
The inaugural IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking (IEEE ICMLCN 2024) is set in Stockholm from May 5 to 8, 2024. The IEEE Communications Society will organise the conference as a hub for researchers at the intersection of machine learning (ML) and communication/networking fields.
To foster fundamental and applied research, IEEE ICMLCN 2024 will explore integrating Machine Learning techniques in designing, analysing, and optimising communication systems and networks. The conference will address a broad spectrum of communication and networking domains from wireless to optical, molecular to Internet.
– This event has the potential to be a historical one, given the importance of Machine Learning in future communication systems such as 6G, says Carlo Fischione, General Chair and founder of the conference.
The event will feature a technical program comprising industry forums, exhibitions, student programs, tutorials, and keynote presentations from distinguished leaders in both academia and industry. Digital Futures faculty members Carlo Fischione, Emil Björnson, Viktoria Fodor and Sindri Magnússon are on the organizing committee.
As a sponsor, Digital Futures provides student travel grants and will host the demo session at the hub – which aligns perfectly with Digital Futures’ mission for talent development and cross-cutting research.
The IEEE, renowned as the world’s largest technical professional society, boasts over 420,000 members across 190 countries. The IEEE is a leading authority in shaping technological advancements with a diverse portfolio spanning aerospace systems, telecommunications, biomedical engineering, and more.
IEEE ICMLCN 2024 promises to be an inspiring event driving innovation at the crossroads of machine learning and communication, setting the stage for future advancements in the field.
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Text: Johanna Gavefalk