Announcing 3 new Calls for ISPP Postdoc Projects, Societal Innovation Projects and Industrial Innovation Projects
Digital Futures is announcing three new calls!
- Call opens: 23 September 2022
- Proposal Submission Deadlines: 5 December 2022
- Expected decision on Projects: 23 March 2023
- Expected Start of Projects: Spring/Summer 2023, depending on the duration of project contract negotiations.
First Open call for ISPP Postdoc projects
ISPP postdoc projects must have a duration of 2 years and feature a collaboration between at least two academic partners from different departments and at least one industrial or societal partner. The projects will be funded with a maximum of 500 kSEK/year per postdoc in terms of Digital Futures funding. The additional funding per proposed postdoc position must be funded by ISPP partners. Link to more information and how to apply
Third call for Societal Innovation Projects (SIPs)
Societal Innovation Projects can be at most 2 years in duration. They must feature a collaboration between academia and government/public entities such as the City of Stockholm and/or Region Stockholm. The involvement of industrial stakeholders, leading to a triple helix constellation, is highly recommended. Digital Futures is open to further participation from public actors, such as Karolinska Institutet (KI), other municipalities, and Swedish regions. The projects will be funded with a maximum of 1 MSEK overall in terms of Digital Futures funding. Link to more information and how to apply
Third call for Industrial Innovation Projects (IIPs)
IIPs can be at most 3 years in duration and must feature a collaboration between at least one academic and at least one industrial partner. Constellations with more academic and/or industrial partners are encouraged. The projects will be funded with a maximum of 4.5 MSEK overall in terms of Digital Futures funding. Link to more information and how to apply
Information Meeting
Digital Futures offers an optional information meeting for project consortia to get first-hand information on all call conditions.
When: 21 November at 16:00 CET (4 pm)
Where: Zoom, https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61014807376.
No registration is required before the meeting.