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Well executed thematic matchmaking workshops gathered some 120 participants

Four thematic matchmaking workshops were organized during March and April. Topics were ranging from cyber security over digital health care and sustainable transportation to the industrial metaverse.

Each workshop provided a mix of keynotes,  pitches, group discussions and a good time for mingling. Around 120 participants gathered in total where 2/3 came from within Digital Futures, and 1/3 were external from companies as well as public stakeholders.

Picture of people participating at a Thematic workshop at Digital Futures hub
The feedback collected showed that a majority of participants were satisfied with the events. New collaboration partners were identified in the process of planning to stage an application to the Industrial and Societal Partnership Program (ISPP) calls. The proposal submission deadline is 13 June 2022 for the three calls for Industrial Innovation Projects, Societal Innovation Projects and ISPP Demo Projects.

– The workshop was great, well-executed, with very interesting talks. I only wish I had more time to contribute to other projects, said one of the participants.

– Very nicely organized workshop. The invited talks could perhaps have been shortened a bit, while giving more space for joint discussions and not in somewhat arbitrary subgroups, said another participant.
As usual, things can always be improved, but it was great to see the engagement during breaks and mingle!


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