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Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop (Swe-CTW)

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Sep 27

Date: 27-28 September 2023
Title: Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop (Swe-CTW)
Where: KTH, Kistagången 16, Kista

The symposium is co-sponsored by Digital Futures and supported by the Tage Erlander Prize through the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

The 2023 Swedish Communication Technologies Workshop (Swe-CTW 2023) will be held at KTH Kista in Stockholm on September 27-28.

Swe-CTW started at KTH in 2011 and is now coming back! Swe-CTW 2023 will bring together researchers and research students in the general areas of communication technologies. The main goals are networking among Swedish scientists and students and sharing of research insights between people working in different fields.

Look forward to Student presentations, Poster presentations, the Wireless Future Symposium with inspiring Keynote speakers and Wireless Future Live podcast recording followed by a Workshop Dinner! Link to more information on the venue, keynote speakers and program.Registration deadline is 12 September!

The workshop has a small registration fee to cover lunch, dinner (optional), and fika. Register here.