Overview about the research ethics aspects and ethics support at KTH
Date and time: 13 June 2023, 10:00 – 11:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Title: Overview about the research ethics aspects and and ethics support at KTH
Where: Online – link to Zoom below
Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/61960077702
This event is co-sponsored by Digital Futures and hosted in collaboration with KTH Digitalization Platform.
Welcome to a seminar that will give you a brief overview about the research ethics aspects and and ethics support at KTH.
The seminar is relevant for those who perform research or plan to some research where they need to clarify ethical aspects. This might be the case when dealing with sensitive data of people. Digital Futures faculty members and postdocs, as well as PhD students of faculties are welcome.
This seminar, about ethics review application/criteria and ethics support at KTH, will be presented by the Research Ethics Advisor from the Research Support Office, Fredrik Karlsson and the Ethics advisor from the Life Science Platform, Amena Archer.
Research ethics are essentially based on human rights and serve as one of many benchmarks for the researcher’s professional role. Different research areas have different challenges from research ethics but often included are issues on risks of harm or violation of people or animals. Informed consent and data management are usually essential tools for handling research-ethical problems. Concerning animals, their suffering or use of them should instead be minimised or completely replaced.
Links to more information:
- https://intra.kth.se/en/forskning/overgripande-stod/etik-och-god-forskni/forskningsetik-pa-kth-1.1031754
- https://intra.kth.se/en/forskning/plattformar/lifescience/ethical-permits-for
Questions? Please contact:
Fredrik Karlsson, fkar9@kth.se
Amena Archer, amena.archer@scilifelab.se