IEEE CSS Workshop on Control for Societal Challenges
Date and time: 4-5 June 2021
Title: IEEE CSS Workshop on Control for Societal Challenges
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This event is co-sponsored by Digital Futures
The IEEE Control Systems Society would like to develop a scientific roadmap for the future of our discipline, Control for Societal‐Scale Challenges: Roadmap 2030. The objectives of the roadmap are to lay out new societal areas where our discipline can have an impact over the next decade, propose novel scientific challenges that the community should pursue, and investigate workforce education and training curricula in order to address these challenges. Our plan is also to ensure that the roadmap has a broad scope including new technological drivers, new infrastructures for control systems, and legal, organizational and regulatory factors that are prevalent in societal‐scale systems.
In support of this effort, we will conduct a workshop in two parts, the first during June 4‐5, 2021, in a virtual format, and the second during June 2022 in Stockholm. The workshop discussions will focus on six identified themes, with elements of real‐time decision-making, machine learning, autonomy, data‐driven and physics‐driven approaches, security and privacy, and big‐data pervading all six themes. Panels about these six themes are open to the public. The panel topics are detailed below, and their abstract and list of panellists can be found on the dedicated pages.