Digital Futures Open Research Days on April 18-19, 2024
Date and time: 18 April 2024, 08:30 – 18:00 CEST (UTC+2)
Title: Digital Futures Open Research Days 2024
Where: Architecture School building, Osquars Backe 5, KTH main Campus (A108, floor 1 and Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
Directions: https://www.digitalfutures.kth.se/contact/how-to-get-here/
To participate, register here by 11 April. Registration is closed.
If you have questions, please get in touch with the organizers by sending an email to event@digitalfutures.kth.se
Welcome to Digital Futures Open Research Days, a rich program that covers research projects, partners, and panel discussions. The event is ONSITE at the Architecture School building, KTH main campus, Stockholm.
- Welcome, presentations, lightning talks, and panel discussions are at A108, floor 1.
- Registration, coffee, lunch, breakout sessions and mingling are located at the Digital Futures hub, floor 2.
On Thursday, 18 April, 17:10-18:00, we will have matchmaking sessions where faculty can give short pitches/presentations on research ideas (~3-5 minutes per pitch). If you are interested in pitching a research idea, please sign up on the following form by April 18, 14:00: https://www.kth.se/form/6613e2730e3340327fecd665
08:30-09:00 Registration & Coffee
09:00-09:15 Welcome and Introduction at A108, floor 1, by Karl H Johansson, Director Digital Futures
09:15-10:05 AI for Environment
- Lightning talk at A108, floor 1. Session chair: Yifang Ban
- EO-AI4Global Change (Yifang Ban) – 5 min
- Autonomous drones and AI-assisted computer vision for near real-time mapping and management of wild stock (Mikhail Popov) – 3 min
- An AI-based framework for harmonizing climate policies and projects with the SDGs (Francesca Larosa) – 3 min
- DeepFlood: Enhancing large-scale Flood Detection and Mapping using PolSAR, Metaheuristic, and Deep Learning Algorithms (Liangchao Zou) – 3 min
- DeepAqua: Revolutionizing the quantification of Swedish surface water changes with deep learning (Francisco Pena) – 3 min
- Edge computing for urban traffic monitoring (Jörg Conradt) – 3 min
- Breakout Sessions at Digital Futures hub, floor 2 (each breakout talk is 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) – 30 min
- Session 1 (15 min):
- Station 1: An AI-based framework for harmonizing climate policies and projects with the SDGs (Francesca Larosa)
- Station 2: Autonomous drones and AI-assisted computer vision for near real-time mapping and management of wild stock (Mikhail Popov)
- Station 3: Edge computing for urban traffic monitoring (Jörg Conradt)
- Station 4: EO-AI4Global Change – Unveiling 3D Insights from Satellite Multi-Modal Time Series – From Building Heights to Forest Biomass (Andrea Nascetti)
- Station 5: EO-AI4Global Change – Near Real-Time Wildfire Progression Mapping with VIIRS Time-Series and Autoregressive SwinUNETR (Yu Zhao)
- Station 6: EO-AI4Global Change – Urbanization Monitoring from Optical Satellite Image Time Series Using Multi-Task Deep Learning (Sebastian Hefner)
- Session 2 (15 min):
- Station 1: DeepFlood: Enhancing large-scale Flood Detection and Mapping using PolSAR, Metaheuristic, and Deep Learning Algorithms (Liangchao Zou)
- Station 2: DeepAqua: Revolutionizing the quantification of Swedish surface water changes with deep learning (Ioannis Iakovidis)
- Station 3: not in use
- Station 4: EO-AI4Global Change – Weakly-Supervised Change Detection in Satellite Imagery (Heng Fang)
- Station 5: EO-AI4Global Change – Wildfire spread prediction with machine learning (Sebastian Gerard)
- Station 6: EO-AI4Global Change – Impact of urbanisation on species distribution of near-threatened birds with case study of Stockholm County (Xi-Lillan Pang)
- Session 1 (15 min):
10:05-10:30 COFFEE BREAK (Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
10:30 – 11:10 Social AI
- Lightning talk at A108, floor 1. Session chair: Hedvig Kjellström
- Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS) (Hedvig Kjellström) – 5 min
- Using Neuroimaging Data for Exploring Conversational Engagement in Human-Robot Interaction (André Tiago Abelho Pereira) – 3 min
- Data-driven Improvement of Work-Flows at the Karolinska University Hospital (Jayanth Ragothama) – 3 min
- Layering Trust in Intimate Digital Health Technologies (Airi Lampinen) – 3 min
- Embedding AI in an innovative geospatial tool to support policy for clean cooking adoption in low- and middle-income countries (Camilo Ramirez Gomez) – 3 min
- XR Horizons: Unravelling Multi-User Interaction, Multisensory Experiences, and Ethical Considerations in the Realm of Spatial Computing (Andrii Matviienko and Asreen Rostami) – 3 min
- Breakout Sessions at Digital Futures hub, floor 2 (each breakout talk is 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) – 15 min
- Station 1: Using Neuroimaging Data for Exploring Conversational Engagement in Human-Robot Interaction (André Tiago Abelho Pereira)
- Station 2: Data-driven Improvement of Work-Flows at the Karolinska University Hospital (Jayanth Ragothama)
- Station 3: Layering Trust in Intimate Digital Health Technologies (Airi Lampinen)
- Station 4: Embedding AI in an innovative geospatial tool to support policy for clean cooking adoption in low- and middle-income countries (Camilo Ramirez Gomez)
- Station 5: XR Horizons: Unravelling Multi-User Interaction, Multisensory Experiences, and Ethical Considerations in the Realm of Spatial Computing (Andrii Matviienko and Asreen Rostami)
11:10 -12:00 Smart Mobility
- Lightning talk at A108, floor 1. Session chair: Iolanda Leite
- Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS) (Joakim Gustafsson) – 5 min
- cAIMBER: Causal Artificial Intelligence for Human Mobility Behavior Analysis Using Trajectory Data (Alex Markham and Yuanyuan Wu) – 3 min
- Sensoring Safety Perception in Järva (Jonatan Abraham) – 3 min
- MicroVRide: Virtual Reality Micromobilty Simulator (Andrii Matviienko and Asreen Rostami) – 3 min
- GPARSE: Guaranteeing Pro-Active and Reactive Safety in Intersections through resource management at the Edge (Matthias Becker) – 3 min
- CAVeaT – Connected Automated Vehicles Trialling and Trustworthiness (Martin Törngren) – 3 min
- Breakout Sessions at Digital Futures hub, floor 2 (each breakout talk is 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) – 30 min
- Session 1 (15 min):
- Station 1: Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS) – Interactive Guessing Game Showcasing Neural TTS with Advanced Prosody Management (Joakim Gustafson)
- Station 2: cAIMBER: Causal Artificial Intelligence for Human Mobility Behavior Analysis Using Trajectory Data (Alex Markham and Yuanyuan Wu)
- Station 3: Sensoring Safety Perception in Järva (Jonatan Abraham)
- Station 4: CAVeaT – Connected Automated Vehicles Trialling and Trustworthiness (Martin Törngren)
- Session 2 (15 min):
- Station 1: Advanced Adaptive Intelligent Systems (AAIS) – Situated Gesture Generation (Jonas Beskow)
- Station 2: MicroVRide: Virtual Reality Micromobilty Simulator (Andrii Matviienko and Asreen Rostami)
- Station 3: GPARSE: Guaranteeing Pro-Active and Reactive Safety in Intersections through Resource Management at the Edge (Matthias Becker)
- Session 1 (15 min):
12:00-13:10 LUNCH & Postdocs Poster Session I (Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
- Session chair: Sandra Pauletto
- Jury: Joakim Gustavsson, Andrea Nascetti, Airi Lampinen
- The best poster (based on Scientific content, Visual style, and Presentation) will be announced at 17:00!
- Children and sustainability: Designing digital tools for collaborative survival (Karey Helms)
- Data-Driven Design for Climate Action (Haluk Akay)
- Design guidelines for recognisable digital social touch from soft robotic haptic technologies (Caroline Yan Zheng)
- Designing AI Technology for Interdependence with Sighted Guiding Companions (Beatrice Vincenzi)
- Designing Rules for Multi-Robot Systems (Anna Gautiier)
- Distributed Optimal Control Strategies for Networked Multiagent Systems (Panpan Zhou)
- Environmental Monitoring with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (Risk Aware Planning and Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles) (Chelsea Rose Sidrane)
- Patient empowerment and patient-reported outcomes through mHealth in NCDs in Uganda (Johnblack Kabukye)
- Personalized Companion Robot for Open-Domain Dialogue in Long-Term Elderly Care (Bahar Irfan)
- Rapid space-based Detection, Dimensions, and Drivers of forest fires within the context of forest-based climate solutions (3DFire) (Zeinab Shirvani)
- Secure-by-Construction Controller Synthesis of Cyber-Physical Systems (Siyuan Liu)
- Sensory-based hierarchical control of intelligent multi-vehicle systems (Zhiqi Tang)
- SMART – Smart Predictive Maintenance for the Pharmaceutical Industry (Tianzhi Li)
13:10-13:40 Robots and People
- Lightning talk at A108, floor 1. Session chair: Bengt Ahlgren
- Advancing real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization (Elena Gutierrez Farewik and Georgios Andrikopoulos) – 3 min
- Investigating Sidewalks’ Mobility and Improving it with Robots (ISMIR) (Xing Tong and Sulthan Suresh Fazeela) – 3 min
- Scavenger: Real-time logic-based control for an autonomous scavenger robot (Patrick Hammer) – 3 min
- Mid-sized Seated Haptic Interactions for Autonomous Vehicles (Anna Ståhl) – 3 min
- Breakout Sessions at Digital Futures hub, floor 2 (each breakout talk is 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) – 15 min
- Station 1: Advancing real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization (Elena Gutierrez Farewik and Georgios Andrikopoulos)
- Station 2: Investigating Sidewalks’ Mobility and Improving it with Robots (ISMIR) (Xing Tong and Sulthan Suresh Fazeela)
- Station 3: Scavenger: Real-time logic-based control for an autonomous scavenger robot (Patrick Hammer)
- Station 4: Mid-sized Seated Haptic Interactions for Autonomous Vehicles (Anna Ståhl)
13:40-14:15 Digitalized Built Environment I
- Lightning talk at A108, floor 1. Session chair: James Gross
- Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS) (Sindri Magnússon) – 5 min
- Towards Safe Smart Construction: Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures (James Gross) – 3 min
- DIRAC: DynamIc uRban roAd traffiC noise simulation model using passive and publicly available data (Zhenliang Ma) – 3 min
- GEOMETRIC – Geobased multilayer environmental modelling of urban TraffIC (Siddharth Venkataraman) – 3 min
- Breakout Sessions at Digital Futures hub, floor 2 (each breakout talk is 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) – 15 min
- Station 1: Towards Safe Smart Construction: Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures (Mani Hemanth and Zhihao Liu)
- Station 2: DIRAC: DynamIc uRban roAd traffiC noise simulation model using passive and publicly available data (Jonas Jostmann and Sacha Baclet)
- Station 3: GEOMETRIC – Geobased multilayer environmental modelling of urban TraffIC (Siddharth Venkataraman)
- Station 4: DEMOCRITUS – Bilinear parameter estimation with application in water leakage localization (Victor Molnö)
- Station 5: DEMOCRITUS – A Novel Channel Coding Scheme for Digital Multiple Access Computing (Xiaojing Yan)
- Station 6: DEMOCRITUS – Energy-Efficient and Adaptive Gradient Sparsification for Federated Learning (Shubham Vaishnav)
14:15-14:45 Digitalized Built Environment II
- Lightning talk at A108, floor 1. Session chair: Gyözö Gidofalvi
- iHorse+ Improving air pollution and health risk forecasts by emerging IoT sensors (Xiaoliang Ma) – 3 min
- Improving resilience: Using insurance data to design better loss prevention: How does the city of Stockholm insure its properties? (Christian Thomann) – 3 min
- EFFECT Chess Machines for Electrified Construction Sites (Gyözö Gidofalvi) – 3 min
- DECORUM Optimized predictive maintenance for wastewater pump stations (Matthieu Barreau) – 3 min
- Breakout Sessions at Digital Futures hub, floor 2 (each breakout talk is 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) – 15 min
- Station 1: iHorse+ Improving air pollution and health risk forecasts by emerging IoT sensors (Xiaoliang Ma)
- Station 2: Improving resilience: Using insurance data to design better loss prevention: What does the data tell us about risk exposure? (Jiayu Zhang)
- Station 3: EFFECT Chess Machines for Electrified Construction Sites (Gyözö Gidofalvi)
- Station 4: DECORUM Optimized predictive maintenance for wastewater pump stations (Matthieu Barreau and Gunnar Berg (Xylem)
14:45-15:10 COFFEE BREAK (Digital Futures hub, floor 2)
15:10-15:40 Smart Society and Digitalized Industry
- Lightning talk at A108, floor 1. Session chair: Jelena Zdravkovic
- Smart Society: Digitalisation and the public sphere AND sustainable conference (Daniel Koch) – 3 min
- Industry 5.0 research towards a circular economy and community building (Varvara Vasdeki, Gabriela Coutinho) – 3 min
- SimOPT Simulator-Embedded Nonlinear Programming for Optimized Process Design and Decision Support (Jan Kronqvist) – 3 min
- SHIFT-DT: Sustainable, Holistic, Integrated Framework for Ship Design and Production Transformation through DigitalTwins (Abbas Dashtimanesh) – 3 min
- Breakout Sessions at Digital Futures hub, floor 2 (each breakout talk is 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) – 15 min
- Station 1: Smart Society: Digitalisation and the public sphere AND sustainable conference (Daniel Koch)
15:40-16:15 Transforming Education
- Lightning talk at A108, floor 1. Session chair: Cormac McGrath
- Educational Transformation: Transforming Higher Education Practice Through Generative-AI (Arnold Pears) – 3 min
- Empowering Cultural Integration and Language Learning Through Conversational AI (Alireza Kamelabad) – 3 min
- Semi-automated math tutoring (Olov Engwall) – 3 min
- Digitalisation and Educational Transformation: Empowering Students and Teachers with Cognitive Disabilities (Masood Rangraz) – 3 min
- Platform for Smart People: Understanding Inclusion Challenges to Design and Develop an Independent Living Platform in a Smart Society for and with People with Autism (Thomas Westin) – 3 min
- Breakout Sessions at Digital Futures hub, floor 2 (each breakout talk is 10 min presentation + 5 min Q&A) – 15 min
- Station 1: Educational Transformation: Transforming Higher Education Practice Through Generative AI (Arnold Pears and Teresa Cerratto-Pargman)
- Station 2: Empowering Cultural Integration and Language Learning Through Conversational AI (Alireza Kamelabad)
- Station 3: Semi-automated math tutoring (Olov Engvall)
- Station 4: Digitalisation and Educational Transformation: Empowering Students and Teachers with Cognitive Disabilities (Jan Gulliksen and Anne-Kathrin Peters)
- Station 5: Platform for Smart People: Understanding Inclusion Challenges to Design and Develop an Independent Living Platform in a Smart Society for and with People with Autism (Thomas Westin)
16:15-17:00 Panel Discussion – Trustworthy AI in an Uncertain World, moderated by Karl H Johansson, Director Digital Futures – at A108, floor 1
- Panellists:
- Jonas Beskow, Digital Futures Fellow, Professor in Speech Communication
- Emil Björnson, Digital Futures Fellow, Professor in Wireless Communications
- Henrik Boström, Digital Futures Fellow, Professor in Computer Science – Data Science Systems
- Kristina Höök, Digital Futures Fellow, Professor in Interaction Design
- Xiongfei Wang, Digital Futures Fellow, Professor in Power Electronics Systems
- Panellists:
17:00-17:10 Announcing Best Posters at A108, floor 1
17:10-18:00 Match-Making, Networking & Mingle at Digital Futures hub, floor 2
End of Day