Digital Futures for Education: Knowledge, Sense and Sensibility in the age of AI
Date and time: 27 November 2024, 15:00 – 17:00 CET
Title: Digital Futures for Education: Knowledge, Sense and Sensibility in the age of AI
Speakers: Jonna Bornemark and Nina Wormbs
Where: Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus
Directions: https://www.digitalfutures.kth.se/contact/how-to-get-here/
Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/69560887455
A maximum of 50 participants are onsite at the Digital Futures hub. First come, first served.
For participation, please register here: https://www.kth.se/form/67222e46ea490383d79c51c4
Refreshments will be offered.
Questions? Please contact Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Associate Director Outreach, Digital Futures: tessy@dsv.su.se.
Welcome to this conversation on education focussing on knowledge, sense and sensibility in the age of AI!
Technological developments such as Generative AI – involving machine learning techniques, large data sets, and algorithms – raise new questions in all sectors of society. Will AI take our jobs? Or will AI create new, more meaningful jobs? Will students learn more ‘efficiently’ or learn to think more critically? Will citizens passively consume information or actively search for knowledge
While such a list can be made longer, our starting point is how we speak about AI and its consequences. More precisely, how we feel, think, and talk about emerging technologies. How appropriate is rationalization (e.g., measurement, quantification, cost-benefit analysis) when complexity is high and uncertainty is higher – and what is the role of human judgment in this process?
How can we cultivate knowledge, sense and sensibility in an increasingly rule- and data-driven society? These questions and others will be discussed by:
Jonna Bornemark, professor in philosophy at The Center for Studies in Practical Knowledge, Södertörns Hogskola. Jonna Bornemark is the author of Det omätbaras renässans: en uppgörelse med pedanternas världsherravälde (Volante, 2018), Horisonten finns alltid kvar : om det bortglömda omdömet (Volante, 2020), och Jag är himmel och hav : en filosofisk undersökning av graviditet, liv och jagets gränser (Volante, 2023). Jonna is a regular guest in the Swdish programme: Filosofiska rummet and was also a guest in the Swedish Radio programme: Sommar P1 in 2017.
Nina Wormbs, professor in history of technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Nina Wormbs has published widely on media history and climate change, for example in Det Digitalas Materialitet (Makadam, 2022) and Competing Arctic Futures (Springer, 2018). The book Ursäkta mig! : argument som driver och bromsar klimatomställning (Makadam, 2024), written together with Maria Wolrath Söderberg came out this last May.
Moderator: Daniel Pargman, Associate Professor in Media Technology with a specialization in Sustainability at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology will moderate the session.
Through Digital Futures for Education, we aim to:
- Stimulate an interdisciplinary dialogue across national and international universities to identify social demands and needs locally and globally.
- Bring about a well-founded debate on the possibilities of digitalization and data-driven education in Sweden.
- Cultivate critical and generative discussions on the ongoing research educational programs and projects at KTH, Stockholm University, and RISE.
- Align research goals and agendas in educational technology with everyday sociotechnical practices.
- Promote more inclusive conversations on digital transformation in higher education.
We invite you to be part of the conversation on digital transformation in education by suggesting topics and potential speakers to Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Associate Director Outreach, Digital Futures. Please send your suggestion to tessy@dsv.su.se. Write “Digital Futures Outreach” in the subject of your email.
Digital Futures for Education consists of conversations and events that bring together key actors from academia, civil society, and the private and public sectors. Its mission is to provide a colloquial space for discussion and reflection on the digital transformation in education and the role of universities in today’s complex societies. The goal is also to build a community with key national and international educational actors.