DF seminar: Gender and IoT (GIoT): The Implications of Smart, Internet-Connected Devices on Victims and Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
Date and time: 9 March 2021, 3 pm – 4 pm
Speaker: Dr Leonie Maria Tanczer, University College London
Title: Gender and IoT (GIoT): The Implications of Smart, Internet-Connected Devices on Victims and Survivors of Domestic and Sexual Violence
Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/67432682790?pwd=dVgzbjRSbUVFT2FOYTByYlZrTU9BUT09
Meeting ID: 674 3268 2790
Password: DF2020
Watch the recorded presentation:
Abstract: In recent years, forms of online harassment and sexual abuse facilitated through information and communication technologies (ICT) emerged. These ICT-supported assaults range from cyberstalking to online behavioural control. While many efforts to tackle technology-facilitated abuse (“tech abuse”) are concerned with ‘conventional’ cyber risks such as abuses on social media platforms and restrictions to devices such as laptops and phones, emerging “Internet of Things” (IoT) technologies such as ‘smart’ meters, locks, and cameras expand domestic violence victim’s risk trajectories further. In this workshop, findings from the “Gender and IoT” (#GIoT) research project will be outlined. GIoT runs in collaboration with a wide user partner group, including the London VAWG Consortium, the digital rights charity Privacy International, and the UK-wide PETRAS IoT Research Hub. The research project analyses evolving IoT privacy and security risks. It studies ‘smart’ technologies impact on gender-based domestic and sexual violence and abuse and the socio-technical measures that will need to be implemented to mitigate against those risks. The GIoT team has already provided guidance for support services that engage and help victims and survivors (see: guide and resource list). These resources will be featured in the workshop and the latest trends in the field will be explored in more depth.
Bio: Leonie Maria Tanczer is Lecturer in International Security and Emerging Technologies at University College London’s (UCL) Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP). Her research focuses on questions related to Internet security and she is specifically interested in the intersection points of technology, security and gender. She is Principal Investigator of the “Gender and IoT” (#GIoT) pilot study which examines the implications of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies on victims of gender-based domestic violence and abuse. She is also involved in one of eight UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)-funded mental health networks. As a member of the “Violence, Abuse and Mental Health: Opportunities for Change” (VAMHN) network led by the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience at King’s College London, she studies how new digital technologies are changing people’s experiences of abuse and how this impacts on mental health.