DF seminar: Challenges in the Decentralised Web
We are happy to present Gareth Tyson, a Senior Lecturer at the Queen Mary University of London, and a Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. His research is in the broad area of Internet Data Science. In this seminar, Tyson will talk about Challenges in the Decentralised Web.
Date and time: 16 February 2021, 3 pm – 4 pm
Speaker: Gareth Tyson
Title: Challenges in the Decentralised Web
Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/67432682790?pwd=dVgzbjRSbUVFT2FOYTByYlZrTU9BUT09
Meeting ID: 674 3268 2790
Password: DF2020
Watch the recorded presentation:
Abstract: The Decentralised Web (DW) has recently seen a renewed momentum, with the number of DW platforms like Mastodon and PeerTube gaining increasing traction. These offer alternatives to traditional ‘centralised’ social networks like Twitter and YouTube by enabling the operation of web infrastructure and services without centralised ownership or control. They do, however, raise a number of key challenges related to performance, security and resilience.
In this seminar, Tyson will present a measurement study of the DW, and discuss the empirical exploration of some of the key challenges in this area. The presentation is based on a recent paper published in the ACM Internet Measurement Conference (http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/~tysong/files/Mastodon.pdf).
Bio: Gareth Tyson is a Senior Lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, and a Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute. His research is in the broad area of Internet Data Science. He particularly focuses on the intersection between networking and web measurements and has published extensively in venues such as WWW, IMC, ICWSM etc. His work has been awarded several prizes, including the Best Student Paper Award at the Web Conference 2020; the Best Paper Award at eCrime’19; and the Honourable Mention Award at the Web Conference 2018 (best paper in track). His research has also received coverage from news outlets such as MIT Tech Review, Washington Post, Slashdot, BBC, The Times, Daily Mail, Wired, Science Daily, Ars Technica, The Independent, Business Insider and The Register.