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Demonstrator Project Workshop

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May 13

Date and time: 13 May 2022, 09:00 – 12:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Title: Demonstrator Project Workshop
Where: Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus

Participation by invitation only. Please register to participate!  See invitation sent via email. Participation at the hub is encouraged, but online via zoom will also be possible.

Digital Futures Demonstrator Projects are welcome to this 1/2 day Workshop! The purposes are to kick off the five new projects and to present and discuss the status of the five already running projects, with a focus on the demonstration plans. It will also give an opportunity to ask questions.


09:00  Introduction by Bengt Ahlgren, Senior Researcher RISE, Associate Director for Testbeds and Data Digital Futures

09:15  Presentations by new projects (5 projects x 8 min)

  1. An AI-Based Framework for Harmonizing Climate Policies and Projects with The SDGs (Ricardo Vinuesa, KTH SCI, Francesco Fuso Nerini, KTH ITM)
  2. Autonomous Drones and AI-assisted Computer Vision for Near Real-Time Mapping and Management of Wild Stock (Mikhail Popov, RISE, Barry Brown, SU)
  3. Mid-sized Seated Haptic Interactions for Autonomous Vehicles (Anna Ståhl, RISE, Madeline Balaam, KTH EECS)
  4. Real-Time Exoskeleton Control for Human-In-The-Loop Optimization (Lanie Gutierrez Farewik, KTH SCI, Georgios Andrikopoulos, KTH ITM)
  5. SWE-QUEST: Swedish Question Generation for Assessing Reading Comprehension (Johan Boye, KTH EECS, Maria Rydell, SU)

10:00  Coffee Break

10:15  Presentations by earlier projects (5 projects x 15 min)

  1. Democratizing Digital DNA Diagnostics (Mahiar Max Hamedi, CBH/KTH, Björn Möller, ITM/KTH)
  2. Digital Futures Drone Arena (Luca Mottola, RISE, Airi Lampinen, SU)
  3. HumanScatter: Demonstrating Rich and Batteryless Human-Powered Interaction using Backscatter (Ylva Fernaeus, EECS/KTH, Thiemo Voigt, RISE)
  4. iHorse – improving air quality and Health risk forecasts by data-driven modelling of traffic and atmospheric environment (Christer Johansson, SU, Xiaoliang Ma, ABE/KTH)
  5. Susan’s Ride on Campus2030 (György Dán, EECS/KTH, Nicole Kringos, ABE/KTH, Martin Törngren, ITM/KTH)

11:30  Communication at Digital Futures by Johanna Gavefalk, CCO Digital Futures

11:40  Discussion and Q&A

12:00  End of day

Questions? For more information please contact Bengt Ahlgren by mail: