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Control over Cloud and Fog for Advanced Digitalization of Industries

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Mar 07

Date and time: 7 March 2023, 13:00 – 14:00 CET
Speaker: Dr. Zhibo Pang, ABB and KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Control over Cloud and Fog for Advanced Digitalization of Industries

Where: Digital Futures hub, Osquars Backe 5, floor 2 at KTH main campus


Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440

Administrator: Beatrice Vincenzi,

Download the presentation: 2023-0307-Digital Futures – Fly-High Fika Seminars – Zhibo Pang

Watch the recorded presentation:


Abstract: Inspired by the fast evolution of the emerging digital technologies such as Internet of Things, 5G, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, the manufacturing industry are looking for new generation automation systems that can be deployed on open, flexible, and IT-style communication and computing infrastructures. However, major technical challenges must be solved in terms of determinism before the expected benefits are achievable, especially for field level regulatory control.

In this presentation, I will share what we have done towards the vision of doing field level regulatory control over cloud and fog computing and wireless networks. I will show the significant improvements in the latency and reliability of the latest wireless technologies such as 5G and WiFi6, as well as the insufficiencies to support the real-time control tasks. More importantly, our preliminary progress suggests that, it will be much easier to solve the overall challenge if we can tune the control model according to the latency pattern of the networks.

Despite its effectiveness in our specific use case, the generalizability of the proposed “latency-aware control” or “control-computing-communication co-design” is still a big research question. I hope to trigger more discussions on this topic by this talk.

Bio: Dr. Zhibo Pang, MBA & PhD, is currently a Senior Principal Scientist at ABB Corporate Research Sweden and Adjunct Professor at KTH. He is a Member of IEEE IES Industry Activities Committee, Vice-Chair of the TC on Cloud and Wireless Systems for Industrial Applications, and Co-Chair of the TC on Industrial Informatics.

He is Associate Editor of IEEE TII, IEEE JBHI, and IEEE JESTIE. He was General Chair of IEEE ES2017, General Co-Chair of IEEE WFCS2021. ABB Corporate Research Sweden awarded him the “Inventor of the Year Award” three times in 2016, 2018, and 2021 respectively.

Pang works on enabling electronics, communication, computing, control, artificial intelligence, and robotics technologies for Industry4.0 and Healthcare4.0.

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