An Intelligent Approach to Zero Touch Edge & Cloud networking
Date and time: 16 November 2021, 15:00-16:00 CET
Speaker: Xenofon Vasilakos, University of Bristol
Title: An Intelligent Approach to Zero Touch Edge & Cloud networking
Meeting ID: 695 6088 7455
Password: 755440
Watch the recorded presentation:
Abstract: Network softwarisation in the fifth and beyond that generation of wireless networks (5G, B5G/6G) implies a series of significant merits such as flexibility and agility. The key concepts in support of this are Software Defined Networking (SDN) and, in particular, Network Function Virtualisation (NFV), both of which are essential for enabling scalable vertical industry services with strict performance requirements, e.g: a seemingly infinite resource capacity, imperceptible latency and/or global web-scale service reach even for personalized services. As a result, there is a need to radically change managing & orchestrating networks/services by adopting a Zero-touch network and Service Management approach (ZSM) in the place of traditional rules, policies and human administration or intervention.
This talk will overview some recent key research publications by Smart Internet Lab related to ZSM research, including solutions based on Machine Learning (ML), IoT/Industrial IoT (IIoT), Intelligent Orchestration & profiling of VNFs, automated VNF placement and Zero Downtime Edge Application Mobility. The latter works fall into research categories that envision disrupting the future landscape 5G/6G services.
Bio: Xenofon Vasilakos is a Lecturer at the University of Bristol, the UK. His research is aligned with Bristol Digital Futures Institute (BDFI) and Smart Internet Lab (SIL). He is currently the lead researcher of the Zero Downtime Edge Application Mobility (ZeroDEAM) project funded by Samsung Electronics UK. His current research interests include 5G and 6G focusing on Multi-access Edge Computing based on cognition approaches inspired by machine learning models towards Zero-touch network and Service Management.