2-week course on Tube Model Predictive Control 2-6 and 9-13 May 2022
Date and time: 10 May 09:00-10:00 CEST (UTC +2)
Course lecturer: Professor Saša V. Raković (Personal webpage), Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China
Title: Tube Model Predictive Control
Where: Hybrid event on KTH Campus, Stockholm and Zoom
Lectures: 09:00-10:00
Exercises in the afternoon – see the program
For registration, location and program please go to the Winter course on Tube Model Predictive Control homepage
This event is co-sponsored by Digital Futures
The course introduces the audience to a recently developed, and highly popular, tube model predictive control, which is an effective variant of model predictive control for systems under constraints and uncertainty. The conventional model predictive control has become one of the most important advanced control methods because of its ability to systematically handle dynamic and static constraints, optimize performance and ensure stability.
Professor Saša V. Raković received his PhD degree in Control Theory from Imperial College London. His PhD research was awarded the Eryl Cadwaladr Davies Prize 2005 as the best PhD thesis in the EEE Department of Imperial College London. Saša V. Raković has been affiliated with several leading international universities, including Imperial College London, ETH Zürich, Oxford University, UMD at College Park, UT at Austin and Texas A&M University at College Station. He is currently a full Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing.