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Strategic Research Committee

The Strategic Research Committee (SRC) is responsible for shaping the research strategy of Digital Futures, identifying new relevant research areas/topics, outlining and prioritizing future project calls, planning and organizing initiatives that support interaction among researchers and ensuring quality control. Stockholm University and RISE nominate one member each in the Strategic Research Committee.

The members of the Strategic Research Committee are:

Picture of Viktoria Fodor

Viktoria Fodor

Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Strategic Research and Chair of the Strategic Research Committee, Working group Cooperate, PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 68

György Dán

Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair working group Cooperate, PI of research project Susan’s Ride on Campus2030, PI of research project Causal reasoning for real-time attack identification in cyber-physical systems, Co-PI of demo project CAVeaT Connected Automated Vehicles trialling and Trustworthiness, Co-PI of research project Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 42 53

Aristides Gionis

Professor, Division of Theoretical Computer Science at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair working group Learn, Main Supervisor: Dragons - Data-Driven Algorithms and Governance for Networked Societies, Digital Futures Faculty

James Gross

Professor, Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at KTH, Member of the Executive Committee, Associate Director Partner Programme, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Member of Working group Cooperate, Co-PI: Towards Safe Smart Construction - Algorithms, Digital Twins and Infrastructures, Digital Futures fellow, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 88 19
Picture of Jan Gulliksen

Jan Gulliksen

Professor, Division of Media Technology and Interaction Design, Vice President for Digitalization at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Vice Chair Working group Educational Transformation, PI of research project Digitalisation and Educational Transformation: Empowering Students and Teachers with Cognitive Disabilities, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 037 39 30
Picture of Lanie Gutierrez Farewik

Elena Gutierrez Farewik

Professor, Department of Engineering Mechanics at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Rich and Healthy Life, PI of project Deep Camera-Based Movement Analysis for Remote Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy, PI of project Real-time exoskeleton control for human-in-the-loop optimization, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 77 19

Mattias Höjer

Professor, Strategic Sustainability Studies at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Smart Society, Co-PI: Smart Society - Gigitalisation and the public sphre AND sustainable conference, Former PI: Towards a Smart Society – the role of Digital Futures, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 64 51
Picture of Karl H Johansson

Karl H. Johansson

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH, Director of Digital Futures, Member of the Executive Committee, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Co-PI of research project Humanizing the Sustainable Smart City (HiSS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 73 404 73 21

Anna Kiefer

Executive Director of Digital Futures, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Member of the Executive Committee at Digital Futures

+46 8 790 74 80

Joakim Lilliesköld

Associate Professor, Division of Network and Systems Engineering at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Educational Transformation, Co-PI: Transforming HIgher Education Practice Through Generative-AI, Former Co-PI: Responsible Digital Assessment Futures in Higher Education (REFINE), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 68 69
Picture of Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg

Cecilia Magnusson Sjöberg

Professor, LL.D., Department of Law at Stockholm University, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Co-PI of research project Learning and Sharing under Privacy constraints (DataLEASH), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 162 893
Picture of Henrik Sandberg

Henrik Sandberg

Professor, Division of Decision and Control Systems at KTH EECS, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Trust, PI of research project Learning in Routing Games for Sustainable Electromobility (RoSE), Co-PI of research project Causal Reasoning for Real-Time Attack Identification in Cyber-Physical Systems, Co-PI of research project Decision-making in Critical Societal Infrastructures (DEMOCRITUS), Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 72 94
Picture of Martin Törngren

Martin Törngren

Professor Unit of Mechatronics and Embedded Control Systems at KTH, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Chair Working group Digitalized Industry, PI: PERCy, PI: CAVeaT Connected Automated Vehicles trialling and Trustworthiness, Co-PI: Susan’s Ride on Campus2030, Co-PI: Industry 5.0 research towards a circular economy and community building, Digital Futures Faculty

+46 8 790 63 07

Ozan Öktem

Associate Professor at KTH, Co-PI of project Spatiotemporal reconstruction with learned deformations for earlier cancer detection via PET imaging, Member of the Strategic Research Committee, Digital Futures Faculty