BioAct: self-powered biodegradable pressure sensor for wireless post-surgical patient management
Project period
January 2025 – December 2026
The project aims to develop a self-powered biodegradable pressure sensor with the potential for wireless data transmission that is tested in vitro under conditions that mimic the in vivo environment of physiological blood flow. The pressure sensor is based on the self-powered triboelectric nanogenerator technology and will combine components that enable high performance and on-demand biodegradation. Sensor validation will be enabled by a hybrid mock circulatory loop: an in vitro system that simulate the dynamics of the healthy and pathological patient’s circulatory system. The method will enable to validate sensor-generated pressure signals against reference pressures generated by a digital patient representation.
Surgery on the heart and large vessels is performed in millions of people worldwide. While ultrasound measurements are crucial to assess post-surgical complications, degradable pressure sensors will enable continuous medium-term monitoring after patient discharge and timely intervention in case of complications. This project explores the triboelectric generator technology and biodegradable materials to enable sensors that operate without the need of a battery and safely degrade in the body after service life.
To date, sensors validation is done early on using animal models. In vitro experimental systems designed to provide testing of vascular sensors during pulsatile physiological blood flow and in interaction with a digital representation of the human circulation system would enable to speed up device optimization before testing in vivo.
The project combines the latest advances in materials science, bioelectronics, and biomedical engineering to rapidly iterate, build, and validate biodegradable pressure sensors in a real-time circulatory mock loop.
Crossdisciplinary collaboration
In this project, we are establishing a new cross-disciplinary and complementary collaboration:
- Erica Zeglio, Assist. Prof. in organic bioelectronics / materials chemistry at the Department of Chemistry at SU, is an expert in materials with ionic and electronic conductivity and their application in bioelectronic devices.
- Seraina Dual, Assist. Prof. in Intelligent Health Technologies at the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Health Systems at KTH, is an expert in implantable sensors and robotic systems for prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

Erica Zeglio
Assistant Professor and WISE Fellow, Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry (MMK), Stockholm University, Co-PI: Engineering biodegradable components for packaging digitalisation, Co-PI: BioAct: self-powered biodegradable pressure sensor for wireless post-surgical patient management, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 16 12 61erica.zeglio@mmk.su.se

Seraina Dual
Assistant Professor at the Division of Health Informatics and Logistics at the CBH School at KTH, Co-PI: Data-driven cardiovascular assist devices, Co-PI: BioAct: self-powered biodegradable pressure sensor for wireless post-surgical patient management, Digital Futures Faculty
+46 8 790 97 69seraina@kth.se